25 September- Current Affairs- The Hindu and Indian Express

National government planning to wind up JNNURM

AMRUT -Atal Mission for Rejuvenation And Urban Transformation

Union Ministry of mines

  • Is planning to use Remote Sensing data for controlling illegal mines
  • Earth observation satellites are already used to estimate the kind of mineral and the extent of the present in an area this information is used for exploration along with the aerial Survey of mineral rich areas

Lord Venkateswara temple-

Venkateswara Temple, Tirumala is located in Andhra Pradesh .The Temple is dedicated to Lord Venkateswara, an incarnation of Vishnu

Sedition laws in India

Section 124a has been used widely to curb the dimensions of right to speech such as Aseem Trivedi a cartoonist was arrested and Kashmiri students in Meerut University were suspended

UNSC Reform by the United Nations general assembly

  • G4 leaders (India, Brazil, Japan and Germany) are fighting for the extension of permanent seat of United Nation Security Council
  • The moment has arrived for the extension of the security council so as to better reflect current economic and political reality
  • There are objection against the G4 members such as:-

 Italy is hostile to the idea of German inclusion

China is opposed to Japan’s entry

Pakistan is against India’s inclusion

 Brazil has opposition from other Latin American countries

  • India with its well depth in Islamic matter can provide the necessary strategic flexibility to the global crisis of Islamic state
  • the current Refugee crisis in Europe also provide an opportunity for India to show its strength of ancient civilization and show how it managed the East Bengal crisis of the early 1970

Serial Murder Of Secular Blogger’s In Bangladesh

  • By the extremist groups which want the government to revoke the Bangladeshi citizenship of Writers listing them as Enemies of Islam and non- believer
  • Murder of blogger Avijeet Roy
  • Secular bloggers are victim of an ongoing conflict between the ruling Elite and violent islamist

World Bank report on South Asia urbanisation

  • Has reported that Indian urbanisation is Messy and hidden .
  • Its 30.9 % but the share of population living in urban like featuring is 55.3 % as per the index
  • Population growth has been maximum outside the fringes of the official administrative boundary areas
  • They have urban characteristics but fall short on criteria required to be classified officially as urban

Constitution of Nepal

  • The seventh constitution in 67 year history
  • it is divided into 8 parts and 305 article
  • Main features are :-
  1. State Authority which is invested in the Nepali people
  2. Nepal is an independent ,Sovenir .inclusive ,democratic & socialist Republican state citizenship
  3. Religious freedom -right to religious freedom
  4. International treaties
  5. The federal executive
  6. The federal legislature
  7. The judiciary
  8. National Security Council


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