DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Architecture development during Akbar’s reign.

. The Mughal architecture began in the reign of Akbar. He erected many important buildings. The crowning achievements of his reign was the building of his new capital city of Fatehpur Sikri., 40 km from Agra. Fatehpur Sikri is a romance of stones. The Arch of the Buland Darwaja is the most imposing gateway in … Read more DMPQ- . Give a brief description of Architecture development during Akbar’s reign.

DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

. Here are just seven examples of how nuclear technology is improving agriculture: Improved soil and water balance Nuclear techniques are now used in many countries to help maintain healthy soil and water systems, which are paramount in ensuring food security for the growing global population. For instance, in Benin, a scheme involving 5 000 … Read more DMPQ- . How does nuclear agriculture benefits different aspects of Agriculture?

DMPQ- . Point out the collective and individual privileges constitutionally given to the members of state legislature.

Collective Privileges The privileges belonging to each House of the state legislature collectively are: It has the right to publish its reports, debates and proceedings and also the right to prohibit others from publishing the same It can exclude strangers from its proceedings and hold secret sittings to discuss some important matters. It can make … Read more DMPQ- . Point out the collective and individual privileges constitutionally given to the members of state legislature.

DMPQ- . Point out the historical background in which Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement began.

. The background to the two movements was provided by a series of events after the First World War which belied all hopes of the government’s generosity towards the Indian subjects. The year 1919, in particular, saw a strong feeling of discontent among all sections of Indians for various reasons: The economic situation of the … Read more DMPQ- . Point out the historical background in which Non-cooperation and Khilafat movement began.

DMPQ- Trace India’s progress towards market exchange rate.

Managed float regime is the current international financial environment in which exchange rates fluctuate from day to day, but central banks attempt to influence their countries’ exchange rates by buying and selling currencies. It is also known as a dirty float. India’s exchange rate policy has evolved over time in line with the gradual opening … Read more DMPQ- Trace India’s progress towards market exchange rate.

DMPQ- Trace the evolution of architecture during Delhi sultanate period.

. With the arrival of Turks during the thirteenth century came a new technique of architecture- the architectural styles of Persia, Arabia and Central Asia. The engineering features of these buildings were the domes, arches and minarets. The palaces, mosques and tombs built by the rulers had these features which were blended with the features … Read more DMPQ- Trace the evolution of architecture during Delhi sultanate period.

DMPQ- What are Radioisotopes? Point out their industrial applications.

. Radioisotopes are radioactive isotopes of an element. They can also be defined as atoms that contain an unstable combination of neutrons and protons, or excess energy in their nucleus. The unstable nucleus of a radioisotope can occur naturally, or as a result of artificially altering the atom. In some cases a nuclear reactor is … Read more DMPQ- What are Radioisotopes? Point out their industrial applications.

DMPQ- Do you agree that legislative assembly is way more powerful than legislative council.

. In the following matters, the powers and status of the council are unequal to that of the assembly: A Money Bill can be introduced only in the assembly and not in the council. The council cannot amend or reject a money bill. It should return the bill to the assembly within 14 days, either … Read more DMPQ- Do you agree that legislative assembly is way more powerful than legislative council.

DMPQ- The Rowlatt Act gave executive branch extraordinary powers to suppress any discordant voice against the legislative reforms.” Elucidate.

. Just six months before the Montford Reforms were to be put into effect, two bills were introduced in the Imperial Legislative Council. One of them was dropped, but the other—an extension to the Defence of India Regulations Act 1915—was passed in March 1919. It was what was officially called the Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes … Read more DMPQ- The Rowlatt Act gave executive branch extraordinary powers to suppress any discordant voice against the legislative reforms.” Elucidate.

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