DMPQ- . What is environmental migration and environmental refugee? Discuss how increasing threat of climate is leading to phenomenon of environmental migration,

Recently, various studies have pointed out that disasters due to climate change have been displacing more people than conflicts. This phenomenon is being referred to as Environmental Migration. According to Global Report on Internal Displacement (GRID, 2019), in 2018, of the total new 28 million internally displaced people in 148 countries, 61% were due to … Read more DMPQ- . What is environmental migration and environmental refugee? Discuss how increasing threat of climate is leading to phenomenon of environmental migration,

DMPQ-What is coral bleaching and what are the causes of coral bleaching?

Coral bleaching happens when corals lose their vibrant colors and turn white. Corals are bright and colorful because of microscopic algae called zooxanthellae. The zooxanthellae live within the coral in a mutually beneficial relationship, each helping the other survive. But when the ocean environment changes—if it gets too hot, for instance—the coral stresses out and … Read more DMPQ-What is coral bleaching and what are the causes of coral bleaching?

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