Ajanta frescoes

Ajanta frescoes The Ajanta caves are located in the western Indian state of Maharashta, cut into the cliff face above the spot where the river Waghora draws a harmonious half-moon through lush vegetation. Discovered by English officers during a tiger hunt in 1819, the caves are in such a remote spot (the nearest towns are … Read more Ajanta frescoes

Folk arts of India

Folk arts of India Madhubani Art Madhubani, practiced in the Mithilia region of India, is a famous form of folk art. It is done with the help of natural pigments and dyes. The equipment for painting is also usually hand crafted. Geometrical figures and vibrant use of colour are the most strking features of Madhubani … Read more Folk arts of India

Nature Of Philosophy (2)

 Nature of Philosophy, it’s relation with life,Science and culture Two answers are frequently given to the question ‘What is philosophy?’ One is that philosophy is an activity rather than a subject – in other words, you do philosophy rather than learn about it. The other is that philosophy is largely a matter of … Read more Nature Of Philosophy (2)

Philosophy Of Charvaka

 Philosophy of Charvaka Charvaka originally known as Lokāyata and Bārhaspatya, is the ancient school of Indian materialism. Charvaka holds direct perception, empiricism, and conditional inference as proper sources of knowledge, embraces philosophical skepticism and rejects Vedas, Vedic ritualism, and supernaturalism.  Ajita Kesakambali is credited as the forerunner of the Charvakas, while Brihaspati is … Read more Philosophy Of Charvaka

The Qutb Shahi Dynasty (1)

     Andhra Pradesh- Contribution of Qutubshahis to Telugu language and Literature- Art-Architecture-Monuments:-   The Qutb Shahi dynasty held sway over the Andhra country for about two hundred years from the early part of the 16th century to the end of the 17th century. Sultan Quli Qutb Shah, the founder of the dynasty, … Read more The Qutb Shahi Dynasty (1)

The Renati Cholas

     The Renati Cholas The Telugu Cholas of Renadu (also called as Renati Cholas) ruled over Renadu region, the present day Cuddapah district. They were originally independent, later forced to the suzerainty of the Eastern Chalukyas. They had the unique honour of using the Telugu language in their inscriptions belonging to the … Read more The Renati Cholas

Anglo Sikh

 Anglo-Sikh War Maharaja Ranjit Singh died in 1839 after a reign of nearly forty years, leaving seven sons by different wives, none of whom was a worthy successor to the ‘Lion of the Panjab’. Two main factions, the Hindu Dogra brothers and the Sikh aristocracy, fought for control. Kharrak Singh was the first … Read more Anglo Sikh

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