Rajasthan : Fairs of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Banganga Fair:-It is said that the stream of Banganga was formed when Arjun, one of the Pandavas, shot an arrow to quench the thirst of dying Bhishma Pitamah, who was a brave warrior and had been badly wounded in the battle of Mahabharata. Chandrabagha Fair:-Thousands of devotees gather here at the time of fair to … Read more Rajasthan : Fairs of Rajasthan for RAS (RTS) Prelims Examination

Rajasthan : Language and Dialect for RAS(RTS) Prelims

Rajasthani Languages Evolution of rajasthani languages from Shaurseni Prakrit Saureni Prakrit is then developed Join Our Telegram Channel Subscribe on YouTube into:- Gurjar in western region Shaurseni in eastern region (Apram bhasha)   Gurjar- Maru Gurjar or old Rajasthani its common language of Rajasthan and Gujrat 1st work was Bhrateshwar Bahubali Ghor by Vajrasensuri in … Read more Rajasthan : Language and Dialect for RAS(RTS) Prelims

Famous Personalities of Rajasthan

Famous Personalities of Rajasthan Pratibha Patil Rajasthan gave the 12th and the first women president to Indian republic in Pratibha Patil. She was born and brought up in Jaipur city. The keen interests shown by her in upholding the constitution and making new strides to take the nation forward are worth to reverence and greeting. … Read more Famous Personalities of Rajasthan

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