DMPQ: what is environment impact assessment? Why it is conducted? (Envt.)

It is a study to evaluate and identify the predictable environmental consequences and the best combination of economic and environmental costs and benefits of the proposed project. On the basis of EIA, an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) is prepared, which is a description of the means by which the environmental consequences as pointed out in … Read more DMPQ: what is environment impact assessment? Why it is conducted? (Envt.)

DMPQ: What is Organic farming

Concept of organic farming, seed certification Organic farming is an alternative agricultural system which originated early in the 20th century in reaction to rapidly changing farming practices. Organic farming continues to be developed by various organic agriculture organizations today. It relies on fertilizers of organic origin such as compost manure, green manure, and bone meal … Read more DMPQ: What is Organic farming

DMPQ: In recent years, the national capital Delhi and adjoining areas have experienced alarmingly poor air quality starting winter. What are the possible solutions to address this situation? ( envt.)

The solution can be divided under two heads one short term and other medium and long term solutions. SHORT term solutions: Strict enforcement through heavy penalties on agriculture waste burning using based tools detecting fires Incentive to farmers for not buring crop residue. Coordination across states and NCR.   Long term solutions: Implement congestion pricing … Read more DMPQ: In recent years, the national capital Delhi and adjoining areas have experienced alarmingly poor air quality starting winter. What are the possible solutions to address this situation? ( envt.)

DMPQ: Write in brief about causes and solutions of climate change.

Climate Change It is the long term change in the statistical distribution of weather patterns over periods of time Though it has been happening naturally for millions of years, in recent years it has accelerated due to anthropogenic causes and has been causing global warming. UNFCCC defines climate change as – “a change of climate … Read more DMPQ: Write in brief about causes and solutions of climate change.

DMPQ: Why there is a need of environmental law ? Discuss in brief the problems in nuking and implementing the environmental laws.

the understanding of laws in general and environmental laws in particular by the public is limited. This is partly because environmental laws are written using complicated language that is very difficult for the public to understand. many communities, organizations, and companies still operate for short-term gains, without consideration of long-term targets or impacts on the … Read more DMPQ: Why there is a need of environmental law ? Discuss in brief the problems in nuking and implementing the environmental laws.

A Simple And Easy Guide To Understand Physics Concepts- Guest Article by BYJU’S

Physics is one of the core branches of science and it forms the fundamentals of science, a student must be well versed in numericals, derivations and theory of important concepts of physics. Some students might find these topics challenging and complex; however we have devised a simple and easy to follow guide for understanding different … Read more A Simple And Easy Guide To Understand Physics Concepts- Guest Article by BYJU’S

14.06.18 Goa (GoaPSC) Current Affairs

GOA Mediclaim scheme: Govt joins hands with third party administrator   The government has tied-up with a third party administrator (TPA) in a bid to cut costs on the implementation of its universal mediclaim scheme, Deen Dayal Swashtya Seva Yojna (DDSSY).   The directorate of healthservices (DHS) had extended its contract with M/s United India Insurance Co … Read more 14.06.18 Goa (GoaPSC) Current Affairs

13.06.18 Goa (GoaPSC) Current Affairs

GOA Goa included in National plan to check marine pollution   Recognising the grave challenge that marine pollutants, especially plastic, pose to the oceans, the Union ministry of earth sciences plans to study the quantum of marine litter and their sources along India’s coastline.   With scientific estimates indicating that eight million metric tonnes of … Read more 13.06.18 Goa (GoaPSC) Current Affairs

10-11.06.18 Goa (GoaPSC) Current Affairs

GOA Air quality in Goa’s urban areas worsens in 2017-18   High density of vehicles, inadequate monitoring system for checking vehicular emission and operation of condemnable vehicles is contributing to the deterioration of the air quality in the state’s major towns and cities, sources said. The air quality index values compiled by Goa State Pollution Control Board … Read more 10-11.06.18 Goa (GoaPSC) Current Affairs

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