Goa : Planned Development

Goa : Planned Development Town And Country Planning Town and Country Planning department is responsible for all the planning related activities in the state of Goa. The role of Town & Country Planning Department is statutory under the T&CP Act 1974 and advisory in nature for all the developmental activities under the other relevant Acts, … Read more Goa : Planned Development

An Introduction to Goa Economy

An Introduction to Goa Economy Goa is located in the western region of India. The state shares its borders with the Arabian Sea to the west, Maharashtra to the north and Karnataka to the south and the east. Due to its scenic beauty, cultural diversity and architectural splendor of its temples churches and monuments it … Read more An Introduction to Goa Economy

12.10.17 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

RAJASTHAN Rajasthan is the first state to incorporate skill development program in higher education   Rajasthan became the first state in the country to incorporate skill development programme in higher education. The Indhra Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU)in collaboration with state’s Department of College Education prepared 16 courses for entrepreneurship and skill development for colleges in the state. Under … Read more 12.10.17 (RPSC) Rajasthan Current Affairs

Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa

Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa The rocky Western Ghats make it an ideal haven for many species of birds and animals and also provide a corridor for migration. The Western Ghats called the Sahyadris in Goa extend for a total of 600 kms in Goa of their total length of 3702 kms. The widest … Read more Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa

Solis of Goa for Goa PSC

Solis of Goa “Earth needs to be nurtured with mother’s care because Earth gives everything for sustaining life” The main types of soils found in the State of Goa are Coastal Alluvial soil, mixed red and black soil, laterite soil and red sandy soil, which are sub-divided into 32 soil series. Type of Solis of … Read more Solis of Goa for Goa PSC

Scheduled Tribes of Goa for Goa PSC

Scheduled Tribes of Goa The tribes like Gawda, Kunbi and Velip are the primary settlers of Goa. It’s terribly tough to reconstruct their early history as literary sources aren’t accessible for the same. The offered proof, significantly archaeological literary and folklore have evidenced that the tribes are aboriginals of Goa. it’s same that the Goan … Read more Scheduled Tribes of Goa for Goa PSC

Population of Goa for Goa PSC

Population of Goa Goa is a state set in southwest a part of India, finite by Maharashtra toward the north and Karnataka toward the east, whereas the sea shapes its western coast. State is India’s smallest state in terms of space and also the fourth smallest by population. The state is one amongst India’s wealthiest … Read more Population of Goa for Goa PSC

Relief and Structure of Goa

Relief and Structure of Goa Goa is almost entirely covered by rocks of the Goa Group belonging to the Dharwar Super Group of the ArchaeanlProterozoic age, except for a narrow strip at the north-eastern corner occupied by Deccan Trap of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene age. The Goa Group consisting of green ‘schist species of metamorphic … Read more Relief and Structure of Goa

Minerals of Goa for Goa PSC

Minerals of Goa The State of Goa is a tiny emerald land on the west coast of the Indian Peninsula. The rich and varied mineral resources of the State have contributed handsomely towards the development and industrialization of the State. The landscape is mostly hilly forming part of the Western Ghats. The altitude varies from … Read more Minerals of Goa for Goa PSC

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