DMPQ- Write a short note on NISAR.

Using advanced radar imaging that will provide an unprecedented, detailed view of Earth, the NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar, or NISAR, satellite is designed to observe and take measurements of some of the planet’s most complex processes. These include ecosystem disturbances, ice-sheet collapse, and natural hazards such as earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes and landslides. Data collected from … Read more DMPQ- Write a short note on NISAR.

DMPQ- Difference between totipotent and pluripotent Cells

Totipotent cells: Stem cells are characterized according to their degree of potency, which refers to their varying ability to differentiate into different cell types. Totipotent cells are the most potent of all stem cells, and defining them is important for research and the field of regenerative medicine.A totipotent cell is a single cell that can give … Read more DMPQ- Difference between totipotent and pluripotent Cells

DMPQ: Write down the difference between antigen and antibodyand their role in vaccine development.

    Antigen Antibody Overview Substance that can induce an immune response Proteins that recognize and bind to antigens Molecule type Usually proteins, may also be polysaccharides, lipids or nucleic acids Proteins Origin Within the body or externally Within the body Image   The Role of Antigens & Antibodies in Vaccinations Vaccines contain antigens which … Read more DMPQ: Write down the difference between antigen and antibodyand their role in vaccine development.

DMPQ: Explain PCR Process and the application of it to diagnose the COVID-19

PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a method to analyze a short sequence of DNA (or RNA) even in samples containing only minute quantities of DNA or RNA. PCR is used to reproduce (amplify) selected sections of DNA or RNA. Previously, amplification of DNA involved cloning the segments of interest into vectors for expression in bacteria, … Read more DMPQ: Explain PCR Process and the application of it to diagnose the COVID-19

DMPQ- In the wake of COVID-19, failure of world leaders and institution is blatantly visible. Comment

Virus is a biological pandemic and it does not know the political boundary and in the era of globalisation it is a dauting task to control such pandemic without having coordinated global action which is still missing. Every nation is on protectionist mode and taking action without reporting to global agencies. WHO failed to create … Read more DMPQ- In the wake of COVID-19, failure of world leaders and institution is blatantly visible. Comment

DMPQ-What do you understand by quantum technology? What are the application?

Quantum Technology is based on the principles of Quantum mechanics, that was developed in the early 20th century to describe nature in the small — at the scale of atoms and elementary particles.The first phase of this revolutionary technology has provided the foundations of our understanding of the physical world, including the interaction of light and … Read more DMPQ-What do you understand by quantum technology? What are the application?

DMPQ- WHO listed Vaccine hesitancy as among top 10 threats to global health this year. What do you mean by Vaccine hesitancy.

Vaccine hesitancy reflects concerns about the decision to vaccinate oneself or one’s children. There is a broad range of factors contributing to vaccine hesitancy, including the compulsory nature of vaccines, their coincidental temporal relationships to adverse health outcomes, unfamiliarity with vaccine-preventable diseases, and lack of trust in corporations and public health agencies. Vaccine hesitancy is … Read more DMPQ- WHO listed Vaccine hesitancy as among top 10 threats to global health this year. What do you mean by Vaccine hesitancy.

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