DMPQ: Do you think PM KISAN scheme is going to alleviate the widespread rural distress in the country. (ECONOMY)

Brief Intro- of Scheme

Points against:

  1. The Programme is targeted cash transfer and hence high chances of exclusion errors.
  2. The landless tenant are out of the beneficiary list.
  3. Will lead to fragmentation of the land. Beneficiary will fragment the land to avail the benefit of the scheme. In long run it is not good for agricultural productivity.
  4. Amount given is petty in nature and is not going to address long term problem as inflation and cost of living is increasing at a sustained rate.
  5. Scheme is not a structural solution to the problem rather than NREGA shall be empowered as it can bring structural change at the grass root level.
  6. Competitive populism in the long run will put a burden on the fiscal deficit and hence government borrowings will increase affecting the balance sheet of the state exchequer.




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