Important Notes & Rules of Pronoun
Generally (but not always) pronouns stand for (pro + noun), a word that takes the place of or refers to a noun.
Subjective case pronouns are pronouns that act as subjects of sentences. It includes (I, you, he, she, and it, we, they).
- I am your Friend.
- She is my girlfriend.
Objective case pronouns, are pronouns that act as objects of sentences. It includes (me, you, him, her, and it, us, them).
- Will you meet us in the movie theatre?
- Return this book to him.
Possessive pronoun forms (mine, yours, ours, theirs).
- This book is mine.
- Mineis newer than yours.
Demonstratives pronoun (this/that/these/those/such) can behave either as pronouns or as determiners.
As pronouns, they identify or point to nouns.
- That is incredible! (referring to something you just saw)
- I will never forget this. (referring to a recent experience)
- Such is my belief. (referring to an explanation just made)
As determiners, they modify a noun and act as adjectives.
- These cookies are delicious.
- Those pastries were even better.
The relative pronouns (who/whoever/which/that) relate groups of words to nouns or other pronouns.
- The student whostudies hardest usually does the best.
The indefinite pronouns (everybody/anybody/somebody/all/each/every/some/none/one) do not substitute nouns but function themselves as nouns.
- Everyonewas dumbstruck by the illusion created by the magician.
- Someone stole my purse.
NOTE: Indefinite pronoun takes a singular verb.
The reciprocal pronouns are each other and one another.
Each other is used when referring to two persons.
- My mother and I give each othera good time.
If more than two people are involved one another is used.
- We should love one another.
Reciprocal pronouns can also take possessive forms:
- They borrowed each other’s ideas.
- The scientists in the lab often use one another’s equipment.
The Reflexive pronouns are (myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself, ourselves, yourselves, and themselves.)
- Go to the party and enjoy yourself.
Some rules of correct usage of Pronoun
- When there are more than two pronouns in the same sentence they should be arranged in second person, third person then First person if the sentence indicates positive sense.
- You, he & I have tried our best to win the game.
- You & Rajesh have wasted your
But if sentence indicates negative sense then it should be arranged in First person, second person then Third person.
- I, you & he have cheated in the exam.
- You & he are responsible for this theft.
- The pronouns who, that and which become singular or plural depending on the subject. If the subject is singular, use a singular verb. If it is plural, use a plural verb.
- He is the only one of those employees who is always on time. (means he is the only person reaching on time)
The word who refers to one (of those employees). Therefore, we use singular verb is.
- He is one of those men who are always on time. (means there are many persons reaching on time, he is one of those)
The word who refers to men. Therefore, we use the plural verb are.
- Pronouns that are singular (I, he, she, everyone, everybody, anyone, anybody, no one, nobody, someone, somebody, each, either, neither,etc.) require singular verbs.
Each, either, and neither, followed by of always take singular verbs.
- Each of the girls sings
- Either of us iscan do the job.
- Neither of them isavailable to make the statement.
Exception: When each follows a noun or pronoun in certain sentences, we use pronoun and verb according to real subject.
- The men gave his signature. (Replace his with their).
Here, each is not the subject, but rather an adjunct describing the true subject (men).
- The possessive pronouns yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs and whose never have apostrophes.
- It is wrong to write your’s truly. Instead it should be yours truly