DMPQ: Discuss the features of Nagara style of architecture( history)


  • The temples of Nagara style were built on rectangular based platform.
  • The main structure which housed the chief god and chief goddess was known as Garbagriha.
  • The inner walls of garbagriha were plain without any carvings
  • The image of the deities were placed on peetha.
  • Outer walls were decorated by carving different designs and images.
  • The upper portion of the walls of garbagriha carved gently inwards. This is known as shikhar.
  • The round design was made on the rood. It is known as amalak. It signifies the Sudarshan chakra of Vishnu.
  • Kalash is also integral part. Kalash was supposed to collect nectar and cosmic energy.
  • Flag symbolised the sovereignity of temple identity.
  • Images of door keepers were placed near the gate of Garbagriha.
  • A pillared verandah known as andrala was build in front of Garbagriha. It connected garbagriha with another structure known as Mandapa. Mandapa was used for gathering of devotees
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