DMPQ: India-japan relation has evolved especially in post reform period. What are the convergence in Indo-japan relations.

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  1. Economic: India is in the need of state of art technology and funding. Whole japan is a surplus country. Eg. Metro train, bullet train, funds from JICA
  2. Demography: Ageing population of japan and demography of India.
  3. Strategic policy of India- India’s act east policy find convergence with Japanese free and open Pacific policy.

Convergence of both countries in dev. Of asia- Africa growth corridor.

  1. QUAD formation, Japan support during Doklam issue, Nuclear deal of JAPAN -India even after non signatory to NPT.
  2. Soft power- Cultural linkage in the form of Buddhism, people- to people contact has increased in the recent past.



direct confrontation at any level and huge points for convergence make a solid ground for robust India-Japan friendship.



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