Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.
GPSC Prelims and Mains Notes, GPSC Test Series
Marketing Management is a social and managerial process by which individuals or firms obtain what they need or want through creating, offering, exchanging products of value with each others.
Need: It is state of deprivation of some basic satisfaction.
Want: Desire for specific satisfier of need.
Demand: Want for a specific product backed up by ability and willingness
to buy.
Marketers cannot create needs. Needs pre exists. Marketers can influence wants. This is done in combination with societal influencers.
Product is anything that can satisfy need/ want.
Product component- 1. Physical Good.
2. Service.
3. Idea.
Hence, products are really a via- media for services.
Hence, in marketing, focus is on providing/ satisfying service rather than providing products.
Marketing Myopia: Focus on products rather than on customer needs.
VALUE– Products capacity to satisfy.
COST– Price of each products.
EXCHANGE: – The act/ process of obtaining a desired product from someone by offering something in return. For exchange potential to exist, the following conditions must be fulfilled.
TRANSACTION: – Event that happens at the end of an exchange. Exchange is a process towards an agreement. When agreement is reached, we say a transaction has taken place.
Proof of transaction is BILL/ INVOICE.
TRANSFER: – It is one way. Hence, differ from Transaction.
NEGOTIATION: – Process of trying to arrive at mutually agreeable terms.
Negotiation may lead to – Transaction
– Decision not to Transaction
Relationship marketing:- It’s a pattern of building long term satisfying relationship with customers, suppliers, distributors in order to retain their long term performances and business.
Outcome of Relationship Marketing is a MARKETING NETWORK.
MARKETING NETWORK: It is made up of the company and its customers, employees, suppliers, distributors, advertisement agencies, retailers, research & development with whom it has built mutually profitable business relationship.
Competition is between whole network for market share and NOT between companies alone.
A market consists of all potential customers sharing particular need/ want who may be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy need/ want.
Types of Markets:
Working with markets to actualize potential exchanges for the purpose of satisfying needs and wants.
One party seeks the exchange more actively, called as “Marketer”, and the other party is called “Prospect”.
Prospect is someone whom marketer identifies as potentially willing and able to engage in exchange.
Marketer may be seller or buyer. Most of time, marketer is seller.
A marketer is a company serving a market in the face of competition.
Marketing Management takes place when at least one party to a potential exchange thinks about the means of achieving desired responses from other parties.
AMA- American Marketing Association.
It defines marketing management as the process of planning & executing the conception of pricing, promotion, distribution of goods, services, ideas to create exchanges that satisfy individual and organizational goals.
Traditional Concept of Marketing
According to this concept, marketing consists of those activities which are concerned with the transfer of ownership of goods from producers to consumers. Thus, marketing means selling of goods and services. In other words, it is the process by which goods are made available to ultimate consumers from their place of origin. The traditional concept of marketing corresponds to the general notion of marketing, which means selling goods and services after they have been produced. The emphasis of marketing corresponds is on the sale of goods and services. Consumer satisfaction is not given adequate emphasis. Viewed in this way, marketing is regarded as Production/Sales oriented.
Modern concept of Marketing
According to the modern concept, Marketing is the concerned with creation of customer. Creation of Customers means identification of Consumer needs and organising business to satisfy needs. Marketing in the modern sense involves decision regarding the following matters.
Modern concept of marketing requires all the above decisions to be taken after due consideration of consumer needs and their satisfaction.
The business objective of earning profit is sought to be achieved through provision of consumer satisfaction. This concept of marketing is regarded as consumer oriented as the emphasis of business is laid on consumer needs and their satisfaction.
Five fundamental concept of marketing are –