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- Indian Statutory Commission chaired by Simon to go into the question of further constitutional reform
- All its seven members were Englishmen. Clement Attlee was one of the members.
- Lord Birkinhead was the secretary of state at that time
- At its Madras session in 1927 INC decided to boycott the commission “at every stage and in every form”
- ML and Hindu Mahasabha supported Congress
- Nehru Report, 1928
- Dominion status
- Contained Bill of Rights
- No state religion
- Federal form
- Linguistically determined provinces
- No separate electorates
- All Party Convention, held at Calcutta in 1928, failed to pass the report
- Muslim league rejected the proposals of the report
- Jinnah drafted his fourteen points
- Hindu Mahasabha and Sikh League also objected
- Poorna Swaraj
- Resolution passed at the Lahore session in 1929
- On 31 December 1929, the tri-color was hoisted
- On 26 January 1930, Independence Day was celebrated
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