07-07-2017 RAS Current affairs



  • Soon, ‘show your face’ to machines at health directorate to mark attendance.


  • Now employees and officers of the health department at the administrative offices will have to mark their attendance on face reading biometric machine from July 15.


  • The health department has issued orders in this regard on July 3 directing administrative offices of the department to install face reading biometric machine by July 15.


  • To avoid any scope of manipulation. There was information that biometric attendance machines were being manipulated at health facilities, although no proof has been found. But to avoid any such discrepancy, latest machines are being installed.


  • These face reading biometric machines will be linked to Rajasthan Accountability Assurance System (RAAS) on the directions of the chief minister so that attendance of all employees and officers can be seen online at the CMO.


  • Soon the biometric machines at the health facilities — district hospital, sub-divisional hospital, satellite hospital, TB clinic, mother and child welfare centres, community health centres, primary health centres, dispensaries etc — will be upgraded to face reading biometric machines and will be linked to RAAS


  • These machines will cost ₹12,000-15,000 each and eight such machines will be installed at the directorate in Jaipur.


  • Baring four districts, south west monsoon so far fruitful in Rajasthan




  • The first spell of the south west monsoon has been fruitful to the state as merely four districts in the state have got deficit rainfall. By and large in the first spell of a week since the onset of south west monsoon in the state the average rainfall has been 52.6% higher compared to 2016.


  • The districts including Kota, Jhalawar, Baran and Dholpur have got deficit rainfall. “Deficit rainfall means these districts have got lesser rainfall from what they received in the first week after onset of rainfall in 2016. There are at least six more spells of monsoon rainfall are left which are definitely going to benefit these districts.


  • Jalore has received a rainfall of 134 mm which is highest in the state.However,Baran has received a deficit rainfall which is 44.21 this year



  • Italy passes bill to make torture illegal
  • Italian lawmakers have finally passed a bill making torture a crime under national law, after years of parliamentary back-and-forth.
  • Rome signed the UN Convention Against Torture in 1984 but had never transferred it into national legislation.




  • “JIGYASA” – Student-Scientist connect programme launched
  • Jigyasa, a student- scientist connect programme was officially launched in the national capital.
  • Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), has joined hands with Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan (KVS) to implement this programme.
  • The focus is on connecting school students and scientists so as to extend student’s classroom learning with that of a very well planned research laboratory based learning.


·       The new hydrocarbon policy opens more exploration


  • The recently unveiled Open Acreage Licensing Policy and the National Data Repository together are a significant and welcome step towards opening up the hydrocarbon exploration and production industry in India. By placing greater discretion in the hands of explorers and operators, the Licensing Policy attempts to address a major drawback in the New Exploration Licensing Policy, which forced energy explorers to bid for blocks chosen by the government.


  • Companies can now apply for particular areas they deem to be attractive to invest in, and the Centre will put those areas up for bids. This is more attractive for prospective operators because in the past, the blocks chosen by the government often were large swathes of land or sea in which only a small fraction had hydrocarbon reserves.


  • By offering companies the freedom to choose exactly the areas they want to explore, and their size, the government has a better chance to woo serious energy investors in an effort to help achieve a more cohesive framework of the country’s energy security. Tied to this is the National Data Repository, which is envisaged as a centralised database of geological and hydrocarbon information that will be available to all.


  • Besides allowing potential investors to make informed decisions, this will open up a new sector in India. There are a number of companies around the world that make it their business to simply explore hydrocarbon basins and sell the information they gather. The new initiative seeks to incentivise such prospectors.


  • Concern is whether India can attract enough investment to meet the government’s objective of reducing oil imports by 10% by 2022, especially given the past experience investors have had with large projects such as KG-D6. There are after all proven reserves in other parts of the world, such as the Gulf of Mexico, that could still keep investor appetite for Indian acreage weak.


  • No-detention policy in school may be scrapped from next academic year: Union minister

ð The HRD Ministry has decided to remove the no-detention policy for students from the next academic year. Under the Right to Education Act, no child will be detained or held back in any class or expelled till the completion of elementary education covering classes 1 to 8.


ð Rationale The government’s decision comes after it had received several complaints regarding the deterioration of the quality of basic education in the country. In addition, the States have been asking for the withdrawal of the no-detention policy from the Right to Education Act 2009.


ð As per the critics, the policy has resulted in remarkable improvement in enrolments but has brought down the academic standards. Background No-Detention Policy Under this policy, the students up to class VIII are automatically promoted to the next class without being held back even if they do not get a passing grade.



Gk byte – No Dentention Policy

ð The policy was implemented as part of the Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) under the RTE Act to ensure all-round development of students. The concept of CCE which was imported from the West lays emphasis on evaluating a child through the year, and not just based on performance in one or two term exams.


ð  The basic objective behind the no-detention policy was to prevent dropouts. The no detention policy in the RTE does not mean the abolition of assessment rather it calls for a replacement of the traditional system of evaluation with a continuous and comprehensive assessment that is not threatening. The policy also intends to free the students from the pressure and fear of examination and give them a stress-free academic environment and childhood.

·        New anti-hijacking law with tougher punishment comes into force


  • A tough new anti-hijacking law that prescribes capital punishment for perpetrators in the event of the death of “any person” has come into force following a government notification.


  • The 2016 Anti-Hijacking Act replaces a 1982-vintage law, under which hijackers could be tried for the death penalty only in the event of the death of hostages, such as flight crew, passengers, and security personnel.



  • Under the new law, the perpetrators can be tried for the death penalty for causing the death of “security personnel on board” or “ground support staff” as well.


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