Aligarh Movement | Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan |
Deoband | Represented by Mohammad Qasim Nanautavi & Rashid Ahmad Gangohi. |
Movement | Nanautavi founded the ‘Dar-ul-Ullema’ madrasa at Deoband. This movement was |
strictly based on Islamic tradition unlike liberal Aligarh movement. The also | |
promulgated a fatwa against Sayyid Ahmad’s associations. In 1919, Mufti Liyaqat | |
Ullah Sahib founded the, ‘Jamaitul Ulema-i-Hind’ to further work in this | |
direction. His role was prominent in the Khilafat movement. | |
Muslim League | Nawab Wakar-ul-Mulk presided over a gathering at the invitation of Nawab Salim |
Ullah of Dacca. Muslim league was the result. The constitution of the league was | |
prepared in 1907 at Karachi. The first session of the league was held in 1908 at | |
Amritsar. The same year Aga Khan became the president. The league supported | |
partition of Bengal & was a loyalist organization. After 1913 Aga Khan left the | |
league which led to the emergence of new leaders like Muhammad Ali, Shaukat | |
Ali & M.A. Ansari. | |
Home Rule League | Estd by Annie Besant at Madras in September 1916. She was the president & |
other members included Arundale, P.C. Ramaswamy Iyer, V.P. Wadia. | |
Balgangadhar Tilak had estd another Home Rule League in April 1916 at Pune. | |
Champaran | European planters forced the farmers to cultivate Indigo on atleast 3/20 |
Satyagraha 1917 | (Tinkathiya) parts of their land. Rajendra Prasad, Mazhur-ul-Haq, J.B. Kriplani, |
Mahadev Desai accompanied him. An enquiry was set up to alleviate miseries of | |
which even Gandhi was a member. | |
Kheda Satyagraha | Kheda peasants refused to pay revenue due to failure of crops. After Satyagraha |
of India 1925 | agreement that the communist will support British in the war effort & sabotage the |
quit India movement. In a memorandum to the Cabinet Mission in 1946, they put | |
forward a plan for the division of India into 17 sovereign states. | |
Bardoli Satyagraha | In Bardoli district of Surat under Vallabh Bhai Patel. The government had raised |
the tax rate by 30% despite famine. | |
All India States | Formed in 1926 whose first session was held under the presidentship of the |
People Conference | famous leader of Ellore, Diwan Bahadur M. Ramachandra Rai. |
Simon | The purpose was the review the Act of 1919 after a gap of ten years. The 7 |
Commission | member commission was labeled ‘White Men Commission’. Huge demonstration |
under Govind Vallabh Pant at Lucknow & Lala Lajpat at Lahore. The report of | |
Simon Commission was published in May 1930. It stated the constitutional | |
experiment with Dyarchy was unsuccessful & in its place recommended the | |
establishment of autonomous government. It recommended special powers to | |
governor general & governors to look after the interest of minorities, | |
strengthening the centre, increasing electorate base on communal basis, | |
Indianization of defence forces, delink Burma from India & Sindh from Bombay. | |
The Indians rejected the report as it gave no regard to Dominion Status. It became | |
a basis for the Govt of India Act 1935. | |
Nehru Report, | Secretary of State, Lord Birkenhead challenged the Indians to produce a |
1928 | constitution that would be acceptable to all. A meeting held at Bombay set up a 8 |
member committee headed by Motilal Nehru & others included Bose, Tej Bahadur | |
Sapru, Sir Ali Imam, Shahib Qureshi, Sardar Mangal Singh, MS Anney & G.R | |
Pradhan. The report was placed before Congress Session in Calcutta in 1928 | |
where it was adopted unanimously. It recommended reservation for minorities | |
instead of separate electorates. Jinnah & President of Central Sikh league, Sardar | |
Kharak Singh rejected it. Later Jinnah convened an All India Conference of | |
Muslims & drew up a list of 14 point. Jawahar & Bose were not happy with the | |
dominion status. | |
Dandi March | Reached Dandi after marching with 78 handpicked followers & formally launched |
April 1930 | the Civil Disobedience Movement by breaking the Salt laws. Many muslims kept |
themselves aloof but in the NWFP an organization of Khudai Khidmatgar | |
(Servants of Gods – Red Shirts) under Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan (Frontier Gandhi) | |
participated in full. | |
I Round table | Held under the Chairmanship of Ramsay MacDonald. Failed to resolve any issues |
Conference | as it was opposed by congress. |
Nov 1930 | |
Gandhi Irwin Pact | As per it Gandhi agreed to suspend the Civil Disobedience Movement & |
March 1931 | participate in the Second Round Table conference but most of the leaders did not |
like this pact. | |
II Round Table | At London. Mahatma Gandhi returned to India as no agreement could be reached. |
Conference 1931 | In January 1932 the civil disobedience movement was resumed. |
McDonald | The British PM Ramsay MacDonald made an announcement according to which |
Communal Award | the depressed classes were considered as separate community. Mahatma Gandhi |
1932 | went on a fast unto death in Yeravada Jail. An agreement was reached with the |
consent of Mahatma Gandhi & Ambedkar which came to be known as ‘Poona | |
Act’. The British government also approved it. Accordingly 148 seats were | |
reserved in different provincial legislatures in place of 71 as per communal award. | |
III Round Table | The congress once more didn’t take part in it. None the less the British |
Conference 1932 | Government issued a white paper which became basis for Govt of India Act 1935. |
Individual Civil Disobedience was launched in 1933 | |
Congress Socialist | founded in 1934 by Jai Praksh Narain & Acharya Narendra Deva within the |
Party 1934 | Indian National Congress. Its members rejected what they saw as the Communist |
Party of India’s loyalty to the USSR as well as the anti-rational mysticism of | |
Mohandas Gandhi. Although a socialist, Jawaharlal Nehru did not join the CSP. | |
After independence, the CSP broke away from Congress, under the influence of JP | |
Narayan and Basawon Singh (Sinha), to form the Socialist Party of India. | |
August Offer 1940 | Envisaged that after the war a representative body of Indians would be set up to |
frame the new constitution. | |
Individual | Started in October 1940. In it Vinoba Bhave, Jawahar Nehru & Brahma Dutt were |
Satyagraha 1940 | the first 3 satyagrahis. |
Cripps Mission | Viceroy Lord Linlithgow expanded is Executive council by taking five more |
1942 | Indians into it. The Indians were dissatisfied as it did not like the rights of the |
princely states to join or stay out of the Indian constitution. The demand for Pak | |
also not considered leading to Muslim league rejecting the plan. | |
Quit India | The fear of an impending Japanese invasion Gandhi launched this campaign. In |
Movement | the midst the government arrested all Indian leaders – Gandhi at Poona, others at |
1942-44 | Ahmadnagar fort. Rajendra Prasad was interned in Patna. The Congress Socialist |
Party whith its leaders like Ram Manohar Lohia, Achyuta Patwardhan played | |
important role. Communist Party remained loyal to the British. The Muslims by & | |
large remained indifferent. | |
INA | Captain Mohan Singh founded it in 1942. In 1943 he reached Singapore & gave a |
the cry of ‘Dilli Chalo’. He was made the president of the Indian Independence | |
League. The name of the brigades were Subhash, Gandhi, Nehru & Rani | |
Lakshmibai. In Nov 1943, Japan handed over Andamans & Nicobar Islands to | |
him. He named them Shaheed Island & Swaraj Island respectively. The army | |
marched towards imphal after registering victory over Kohima. But later Japan | |
accepted defeat & Subhas died in a plain crash after crossing Formosa Island. | |
C.R. Formula 1944 | To resolve the constitutional impasse Rajagopalachari evolved a formula in March |
1944. But it was rejected by Jinnah who would not settle without Pakistan. | |
Wavell Plan & | The main provisions were akin to Cripps mission proposals. It essentially dealt |
Shimla Conference | with the Indian demand of self-rule & reconstitution of viceroy’s executive |
1945 | council giving a balanced representation to the major communities. Executive |
council was an interim arrangement in which all but the Viceory & the | |
Commander in Chief were to be Indians & all portfolios except defence were to be | |
held by Indian members. Conference broke down because of Jinnah’s insistence | |
that Muslim league alone represented Indian Muslims & hence no non league | |
muslim members could be nominated to viceroy’s council. | |
Cabinet Mission | Pathick Lawrence (secretary of state for India), Stafford Cripps & A.B. Alexander. |
1946 | Jinnah stuck his demand for Pakistan. It proposed the formation of Union of India |
comprising both British India & princely states (only foreign, defence & | |
communication). A constitutional assembly was to be formed consisting of | |
representatives of Provincial assemblies & princely states, elected on communal | |
basis in proportion to the population of each province. Envisaged interim govt & | |
said that until the constitution is framed & the govt estd British forces will not | |
withdraw. The Congress & Muslim league accepted it in June 1946. | |
Elections | Following cabinet mission elections were held. Congress secured 205 out of 214 |
general seats & had support of 4 sikh members. The Muslim league got 73 out of | ||
78 Muslim seats. Jinnah became greatly disturbed by the election results. He | ||
demanded separate constituent assembly & started instigating violent action. Later | ||
16 August 1946 was fixed as direct action day to withdraw its acceptance of | ||
cabinet mission plan. Communal riots broke out in Bengal, United Province, | ||
Punjab, Sindh & NWFP. Interim government was formed with Jawahar Nehru as | ||
head& 14 members – 6 congress, 5 League, one each Christian, Sikh & Parsi. | ||
However Muslim league kept out of the Interim government. | ||
INA Trails | Held at Red Fort in Delhi. Nehru, Bhulabhai Desai, Tejbahadur Sapru fought the | |
case on behalf of three senior INA officers, Shahnawaz khan, P.M. Sehgal & G.S. | ||
Gurudayal Dhillon led to their acquittal. | ||
RIN Mutiny 1946 | Indians serving in the Royal Indian Navy mutined. Around 5000 naval ratings put | |
up INA badges. | ||
Mountbatten Plan | Mountbatten came to India as Viceroy. He put forth the plan of partition of India | |
in 3 June 1947. Punjab & Bengla would be divided into two parts with muslim & | ||
non muslim majority. Baluchistan had the right to determine which side to join. | ||
The power would be transferred on 15 August 1947. Referendum were to be held | ||
in NWFP, Sylhet (to join Assam or East Bengal). Legislative assembly of Sindh | ||
was to decide whether to join India or not. | ||
Indian Independece | The British Parliament passed the Indian Independence act on 18th July 1947. | |
Act 1947 | Partition on 15th August. The act provided separate governor generals for the two | |
dominions. Abolition of the post of secretary of state for India. Pending the | ||
adoption of new constitution, the administration of the two dominions & the | ||
provinces would be carried on in accordance with the provisions of the | ||
government of India act 1935 though special powers of the Governor General & | ||
the Provincial governors would be ceased. Jinnah became the first governor | ||
general of Pakistan. | ||
Unification Drive | On 5th July 1947, Vallabhbhai Patel appealed to the Indian provinces to handover. | |
He followed up his appeal with a hurricane tour of 40 days in which he invited all | ||
the native princes to join the Indian union by 5th August. In Kashmir Hari Singh | ||
sent his PM Meharchand Mahajan with the signed papers for the merger. In | ||
Hyderabad the nawab wanted to continue his arbitary rule with the help of | ||
Rajakars. Finally after military action, Rajakars were expelled & the instrument of | ||
accession signed. | ||
Pondicherry & Goa | The other French territories were Karaikal, Mahe,Yanam & Chanderinagore. | |
Chanderinagore had acceded to India on the basis of a plebiscite. In 1954 all the | ||
French possession in India were formally handed over to India though the legal | ||
transfer took place in 1962. Operation ‘Vijay’ was carried out for the liberation of | ||
Goa when satyagraha failed in 1961. It became a state in 1987. |