Folk Dances of Goa

Folk Dances of Goa Folklores bind the present with the past and keep the continuity of civilization. The originality of folklores has pleasantly surprised even most erudite scholars and litterateurs. Goa has a unique cultural heritage, rich and lively and it is known for several folk festivals and performances. Many castes, sub-castes and tribes mingled … Read more Folk Dances of Goa

Relief and Structure of Goa

Relief and Structure of Goa Goa is almost entirely covered by rocks of the Goa Group belonging to the Dharwar Super Group of the ArchaeanlProterozoic age, except for a narrow strip at the north-eastern corner occupied by Deccan Trap of the Upper Cretaceous-Lower Eocene age. The Goa Group consisting of green ‘schist species of metamorphic … Read more Relief and Structure of Goa

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