Languages and Literature of Goa

Languages and Literature of Goa Goa Literature Goa’s literature is as charming as the land itself. Goa is a very small state of India, previously ruled by the Portuguese. This colony had the distinction of being the first place in Asia, to be installed with a printing press in the year 1550. The Portuguese invaders … Read more Languages and Literature of Goa

Workers, Peasant and Tribal Movements in Goa

Workers Peasant and Tribal Movements in Goa Tribal Movement The tribals of India, like other social groups, participated in the anti-colonial movement. The tribal anti-colonial movements were of two types – The movements against their oppressors i.e. landlords, money-lenders, traders, thekedars (contractors), government officials and Christian missionaries and The movements which were linked to and … Read more Workers, Peasant and Tribal Movements in Goa

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