DMPQ-How does Article 371-F of Indian constitution Makes Sikkim a special state.

. The 36th Constitutional Amendment Act of 1975 made Sikkim a full-fledged state of the Indian Union. It included a new Article 371-F containing special provisions with respect to Sikkim. These are as follows: The Sikkim Legislative Assembly is to consist of not less than 30 members. One seat is allotted to Sikkim in the … Read more DMPQ-How does Article 371-F of Indian constitution Makes Sikkim a special state.

DMPQ-. “Article 371-J of Indian constitution gives the President of India certain power to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for Karnataka.” Elucidate.

. Under Article 371-J, the President is empowered to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for The establishment of a separate development board for Hyderabad-Karnataka region Making a provision that a report on the working of the board would be placed every year before the State Legislative Assembly The equitable allocation … Read more DMPQ-. “Article 371-J of Indian constitution gives the President of India certain power to provide that the Governor of Karnataka would have special responsibility for Karnataka.” Elucidate.

Reasonable restrictions on fundamental rights and right to property

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Planning commission and national development council

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National and state minority commission

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Framing of Indian Constitution

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Lok Adalats and Legal Awareness Campaign

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Administrative Adjudication: Various types of Administrative Tribunals in India

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State Executive:-Governor,Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers

The Governor is the head of the state executive. He is also the representative of the Centre in  the  state.  The Governor acts as the nominal head whereas the real power lies in the hand of the  Chief Ministers of the states and the Chief Minister’s Council of Ministers. Article 153 of the Constitution states … Read more State Executive:-Governor,Chief Minister and the Council of Ministers

Union Executive:-President,Vice President, Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers

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