Educational Policy of Rajasthan

Educational Policy of Rajasthan Education is a foundation for human fulfilment, sustainable development of an individual to become a responsible global citizenship. The growing importance of the knowledge economy has profound implications for the role of education as a determinant of economic growth. Recognizing the importance and interdependence of all education levels and delivery modes, … Read more Educational Policy of Rajasthan

Awards of Rajasthan

Awards of Rajasthan Bhamashah Award For students of all universities in rajasthan for obtaining the highest percentage of marks throughout Rajasthan or students from Rajasthan for outstanding achievements in any recognised University/ Institution from outside Rajasthan. For achievements in the current or last academic year in various faculties at graduate level such as Arts, Science, Commerce, … Read more Awards of Rajasthan

Infrastructure of Rajasthan

Infrastructure of Rajasthan Extensive, efficient and quality infrastructure network, mainly including electricity, transportation and communication is the prime requirement for sustainable and inclusive growth of almost all sectors of the economy. High class infrastructure certainly accelerates the pace of development. Now, when the Indian economy is emerging as a fast growing economy, the Government of … Read more Infrastructure of Rajasthan

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