1.02.18 Goa(GoaPSC) Current Affairs

GOA Register vehicles for minor mineral transport   In its effort to regulate minor mineral transportation, owners of all vehicles used for the purpose have been directed to register their vehicles with the directorate of mines and geology (DMG).   The decision that has been taken is aimed at stopping illegal mining of minor minerals and ensuring proper collection … Read more 1.02.18 Goa(GoaPSC) Current Affairs

Goa : Trade and Commerce

Goa : Trade and Commerce Goa is situated on the west coast of the country with impressive socio economic indicators. The Structure of economic activities changes over time due to changes in structure of production and demand in the economy. There are lot of sectors that contributes to the trade and commerce of the state. … Read more Goa : Trade and Commerce

Natural and Power Resource of Goa

                      Natural and Power Resource of Goa        Mineral Resources in Goa The State of Goa is a small emerald arrive on the west shore of the Indian Peninsula . The rich and changed mineral assets of the State have contributed liberally towards the improvement and industrialization of the State. The scene is generally bumpy … Read more Natural and Power Resource of Goa

Minerals of Goa for Goa PSC

Minerals of Goa The State of Goa is a tiny emerald land on the west coast of the Indian Peninsula. The rich and varied mineral resources of the State have contributed handsomely towards the development and industrialization of the State. The landscape is mostly hilly forming part of the Western Ghats. The altitude varies from … Read more Minerals of Goa for Goa PSC

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