Important Acts

The Govt. of India Act Gave assurance that there would be no more territorial possessions. Titles were 1858 bestowed  on  many  princes  &  the  right  of  adoption  was  accepted.  No         interference in religious matters. The Indian Council Provided  that  there  was  no  difference  between  the  central  &  provincial Act 1861 subjects. … Read more Important Acts


I wish for a peaceful term of India. I cannot forget that in the sky of India ,   Lord Canning serene as it is, a small cloud may arise ………..threaten to burst & overwhelm.     ‘a battle of blacks against the whites’ (on 1857 revolt)   J.W. Kaye The war which began for … Read more FAMOUS SAYING

Social Reformers & Their Work AND Freedom fighters

      Rajaram Mohun   Laid stress on the study of English & established the Hindu College in Calcutta Roy   alongwith David Hare. Maharishi   The grandfather of Rabindranath Tagore. He inspired a number of thinkers like Devendranath   Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar & Akshay Kumar Datta who became Brahmo Samaj Tagore   members.  … Read more Social Reformers & Their Work AND Freedom fighters


Aligarh Movement Sir Sayyed Ahmad Khan Deoband Represented  by  Mohammad  Qasim  Nanautavi  &  Rashid  Ahmad  Gangohi. Movement Nanautavi founded the ‘Dar-ul-Ullema’ madrasa at Deoband. This movement was   strictly  based  on  Islamic  tradition unlike liberal  Aligarh movement.   The  also   promulgated a fatwa against Sayyid Ahmad’s associations. In 1919, Mufti Liyaqat   Ullah  Sahib  founded  … Read more Movements/Organizations

Socio-Religious Reformers & their Organizations

                Atmiya Sabha (1815) Raja Rammohun Roy Brahmo Samaj (1828) Raja Rammohun Roy. Tattvabodhini Sabha (1839). Later merged with Mahrishi Devendranath Tagore. Brahmo Samaj in 1842   Indian national Social Conference M.G. Ranade Harijan Sevak Sangh Mahatma Gandhi Satya Shodhak Samaj (1873) Jyotirao Phule (fight caste oppression) Shri … Read more Socio-Religious Reformers & their Organizations

Land Settlements

          Zamindari System (19%) Bengal, Bihar, Banaras, division of NW provinces & northern Carinatic.         90 % of the revenue went to government & 10 % to Zamindar (British) Mahalwari System (30%) Major parts of NW provinces, Central provinces & Punjab. Responsibility         of paying … Read more Land Settlements

Important Treaties

Treaty of Pondicherry     After the II Carinatic war. Muhammad Ali, son of late Anwar-ud-din was         accepted as the Nawab of Carinatic.   Treaty of Mangalore     Signed between Tipu & British in 1784. Under this Tipu withdrew his army   1784     from Carinatic & English withdrew … Read more Important Treaties

Important Battles

1744-48 First Anglo-French Carinatic war. Madras returned to British by the treaty of Aix-la-   Chappalle. In battle of St. Thome, a small French Army defeated Nawab Anwar-ud-   din’s large one. 1748-54 Second Anglo French Carinatic war. The French sided with Muzaffar Jang (grandson of   Asaf Jah) & Chanda Sahib (in Carinatic) while … Read more Important Battles

The Peshwas

            1713-20   Balaji Vishwanath Shahu appointed him as the Peshwa.     1720-40   Baji Rao I Baji Rao I succeded who was the most charismatic leader in             Maratha history after Shivaji.He conquered Malwa, Bundelkhand             & even … Read more The Peshwas

Other Contemporary States

              Bihar   After Saadat Khan, *Safdarjung* became the king  who was an impartial ruler &         carried out many reforms & was made the wazir of mughal empire. Shuja-ud-Daula         succeded him to throne. He was also made the wazir of mughal … Read more Other Contemporary States

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