The Mauryas : Extent of empire, Kalinga War and its Impact; Asoka’s Dhamma, Foreign Policy, Development of Art & Architecture during the Mauryan period

  Foundation of the Mauryan Empire: The foundation of the Maurya Empire in 321 B.C. by Chandragupta Maurya was a unique event in history. Particularly in view of the fact that it was found shortly after Alexander’s victorious campaigns in North-West India during 327 B.C. – 325 B.C. There is no unanimity with regard to … Read more The Mauryas : Extent of empire, Kalinga War and its Impact; Asoka’s Dhamma, Foreign Policy, Development of Art & Architecture during the Mauryan period

The Rise of the Magadhan empire

  In the sixth country B.C. North India was divided into sixteen kingdoms out of which Avanti, Vatsa, Kosala and Magadha rose into prominence by aggrandizing upon other weaker states.These four states involved themselves in internecine quarrel in which Magadha emerged as the most powerful state and acquired mastery in the political domain of India. … Read more The Rise of the Magadhan empire

The Lichavi and their republican constitution

The History of Licchavis The Lichchhavis (also Lichchavi, Licchavi) were an important member of the Vajjian confederacy. The early Indian traditions describe the Lichchhavis as Kshatriyas. Scholars reject the theory of foreign origin of the Lichchhavis on the strength of these traditions. But they were degraded to the status of fallen Kshatriyas due to their … Read more The Lichavi and their republican constitution

Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period.

Although the Rig Veda deals with devotional work of religious nature, yet it gives a vivid picture of the early Vedic civilization. The Vedic Civilization is best understood from the social life, political organisation, economic life and religious beliefs. The Kula or family was the basic unit of Rig-Vedic society. The Kula was headed by … Read more Antiquity and stratification of the Vedic literature; Society, economy and religion during Early (Rig-Vedic) period.

Origin of the Aryans

    The Aryans came to India in several waves. The earliest wave is represented by the Rig Vedic people who appeared in the subcontinent in about 1500 BC. They came into conflict with the indigenous inhabitants called the Dravidians mentioned as Dasa or Dasyus in Rig Veda. The Rig Veda mentions the defeat of … Read more Origin of the Aryans

The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main features

Indus Valley Civilization   Indus Valley Civilization was the first major civilization in south Asia, which spread across a vast area of land in present day India and Pakistan (around 12 lakh The time period of mature Indus Valley Civilization is estimated between BC. 2700- BC.1900 i.e. for 800 years. But early Indus Valley Civilization had … Read more The Indus Valley Civilization : Origin, antiquity, extent, authorship and main features

Important Ancient Terms

Lohit Ayas Copper Syam Ayas Iron Vanik Traders Gramini Village Head Bhagadugha Tax collector Sthapati Chief Judge Takshan Carpenter Niska Unit of currency Satamana Unit of currency Pana Term used for coin Shresthi Guilds Vihara Buddhist Monastery Chaitya Sacred Enclosure Pradeshika Head of district Administration Nagarka City administration Jesthaka Chief of a Guild Prathamakulika Chief … Read more Important Ancient Terms

Major Monuments of Ancient Period

1. Udaygiri Caves During Chandragupta’s reign at Vidisha, M.P. 2. Angorwatt Temples Suryavarman Ii 3. Vikramashila University Pala King Dharampala 4. Kailash Temple (Ellora) Rashtrakuta Subscribe on YouTube king Krishna I 5. Dilwara Temple Tejapala 6. Rathas of Mamallapuram Mahendravarman I (Pallava King) 7. Khajuraho temples Chandelas 8. Martanda temple (Kashmir) Lalitaditya Muktapida 9. Gommateswara  … Read more Major Monuments of Ancient Period

Different Forms of Marriage Practiced in Ancient India

1. Brahma Duly dowered girl to a man of the same class 2. Daiva Father gives daughter to a sacrificial priest as a part of his fee 3. Arsa A token bride price of a cow & a bull is given in place of the dowry 4. Prajapatya Father gives girl without dowry & without … Read more Different Forms of Marriage Practiced in Ancient India

Buddhist Councils

I Buddhist Council 500 BC at Ajatsataru . Record the Buddha’s sayings (sutra) and codify Rajgaha Presided by monastic Subscribe on YouTube rules (vinaya). Rajgaha is today’s Mahakasyapa Rajgir II Buddhist Council 383 BC at Kalasoka The conservative schools insisted on monastic Vaishali rules (vinaya). The secessionist Mahasangikas argued for more relaxed monastic rules.Rejection of … Read more Buddhist Councils

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