DMPQ- Evaluate the policy of blood and iron in the unification of Germany.

. Otto Von Bismarck, the architect of the German Unification, believed in a policy of blood and iron (militarism) to achieve his object. Unmindful of the resistance offered by the popular House of the Prussian Diet, Bismarck embarked on an ambitious programme of militarisation. He not only raised a large number of soldiers but also … Read more DMPQ- Evaluate the policy of blood and iron in the unification of Germany.

DMPQ- Trace the evolution of Kannada litreture from premedieval to medieval era.

Apart from Telugu, Vijayanagara rulers extended their patronage to Kannada and Sanskrit writers as well. Many Jain scholars contributed to the growth of Kannada literature. Madhava wrote Dharmanathapurana on the fifteenth tirthankara. Another Jain scholar, Uritta Vilasa, wrote Dharma Parikshe. The Sanskrit works of the period include Yadavabhyudayam by Vedanatha Desika and Parasara Smriti Vyakhya … Read more DMPQ- Trace the evolution of Kannada litreture from premedieval to medieval era.

DMPQ- What is 3D printing ? Explain the need of the government policy for 3D printing.

3D printing or additive manufacturing is a process of making three dimensional solid objects from a digital file.  The creation of a 3D printed object is achieved using additive processes. In an additive process an object is created by laying down successive layers of material until the object is created. Each of these layers can … Read more DMPQ- What is 3D printing ? Explain the need of the government policy for 3D printing.

DMPQ- Discuss the factors gave rise to desire for socio-religious reforms in 19th century.

. The dawn of the nineteenth century witnessed the birth of a new vision—a modern vision among some enlightened sections of the Indian society. This enlightened vision was to shape the course of events for decades to come and even beyond. Impact of British Rule The presence of a colonial government on Indian soil played … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the factors gave rise to desire for socio-religious reforms in 19th century.

DMPQ- Explain why did Industrial Revolution first occur in England.

In the period 1760 to 1830 the Industrial Revolution was largely confined to Britain. Aware of their head start, the British forbade the export of machinery, skilled workers, and manufacturing techniques. Britain’s damp climate was ideal for raising sheep, Britain had a long history of producing textiles like wool, linen and cotton. But prior to … Read more DMPQ- Explain why did Industrial Revolution first occur in England.

03-04.01.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

GOA At 93.2%, South Goa’s crime detection rate improves since 2019   The South Goa police has registered 93.2 % crime detection rate during the year 2020. Of the altogether 1,667 criminal offences registered at various police stations across the district, the police succeeded in cracking 1,554 cases, police records reveal. This is several notches higher than last year’s … Read more 03-04.01.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

DMPQ- “Gupta period witnessed some of the most prominent Sanskrit scholars.” Elucidate.

. The Gupta period was India’s golden age of culture and one of the greatest and most glorious times. The Gupta kings patronized the classical Sanskrit literature. They helped liberally the scholars and poets of Sanskrit. This enriched the Sanskrit langauge. In fact Sanskrit language became the language of cultured and educated people. Many great … Read more DMPQ- “Gupta period witnessed some of the most prominent Sanskrit scholars.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Give the brief description of India’s INSAT (Indian national satellite system) Program.

Insat (Indian National Satellite System) was a multipurpose satellite system for telecommunications, broadcasting, meteorology and search and rescue services. Commissioned in 1983, Insat was the largest domestic communication system in the Asia-Pacific Region, and was a joint venture of the Indian Department of Space (DOS), Department of Telecommunications, India Meteorological Department, All India Radio and … Read more DMPQ- Give the brief description of India’s INSAT (Indian national satellite system) Program.

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