Town and Country Planning department is responsible for all the planning related activities in the state of Goa. The role of Town & Country Planning Department is statutory under the T&CP Act 1974 and advisory in nature for all the developmental activities under the other relevant Acts, Regulations/Byelaws/Rules framed under them applicable in the state of Goa. It is a physical planning and development control department for the State of Goa, with an objective to implement various plans as given below;
Regional Plan – For the entire State of Goa.
Outline Development Plans/Zoning plans -For all the Notified Planning areas, Non-PDA Towns and Villages for which plans are prepared.
Development Plans for areas around Railway stations.
Consultancy & Technical services for Government/Semi-Government agencies-Rehabilitation/Layout plans for Residential/Industrial developments.
List of Heritage Buildings/ Sites in the state of Goa
Town and Country Planning
Preparation and implementation of Regional Plan for Goa is in progress. The Government has initiated the process of rectifications / corrections in Regional Plan for Goa 2021. In this regard, suggestions / rectifications have been sought by general public. State level committee has decided on corrections to be effected in Regional Plan for Goa 2021.
Government has approved Town Planning scheme for Down Town Mapusa (Phase I) Camarkhazan and Gaunswada (Phase II) to be carried out by North Goa Planning and Development Authority ( NGPDA ) for an area of 12,50,000 sq. mts for phase I and 6,50,000 sqmts. for phase II at cost of 1.49 crore.
The Regional Plan for the Talukas of Sattari, Canacona and Pernem have been rectified that they are at the final stage for notification. Government desires to complete the process of all the Talukas and notify the Regional Plan 2021 by 31st December 2017.
Town and Country Planning Department is in the process of developing its own website to continuously update activities, plan and programmes of the department.
During Last year, a new vision programme to develop a “Town Planning Scheme” at Down Town, Mapusa. This scheme will be implemented during coming financial year. Government also intends to take up such Town Planning Schemes
in other areas, wherever suitable land parcels are available.
Government intends to establish a “GIS platform” for the State of Goa by involving all the Land User Departments. This would create a centralized “GIS data base” for the entire State and the up to date information of all activities and the data base of various Departments will be available on a centralized platform and will benefit the Department of the Government as well as general public who needs to access the information of the Departments and their activities.
Smart City Mission
Smart Cities Mission focus on the most pressing needs and the greatest opportunities to improve lives of the people. They tap a range of approaches – digital and information technologies, urban planning best practices, public-private partnerships, and policy change – to make a difference. They always put people first.
The objective is to promote cities that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a clean and sustainable environment and application of ‘Smart’ Solutions. The focus is on sustainable and inclusive development and the idea is to look at compact areas, create a replicable model which will act like a light house to other aspiring cities. The Smart Cities Mission is meant to set examples that can be replicated both within and outside the Smart City, catalyzing the creation of similar Smart Cities in various regions and parts of the country.
The Smart City Mission is an urban renewal programme initiated by the central government in June 2015. The main aim of the program is to improve infrastructure and to create sustainable and citizen friendly urban cities. A smart city is defined as a city which is highly developed in terms of infrastructure and communications. At its launch in 2015, the central government had identified 100 towns across India to be under this programme.
Panaji, the capital city of Goa was ranked 8th among the 13 cities selected in the first list.
Panaji, the capital of Goa had been selected in the list of 100 Smart cities under the Smart City Mission of Union Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD), Government of India launched in June 2015.The central government released a list of 23 cities, which included Panaji, which was invited to revise and fast track their Smart City proposals for submission before 21st April 2016.
Development of Panaji
Celebrations for 175 successful years of Panaji as state capital are proposed.Panaji is celebrating 175 years of its declaration as capital Town. Government intends to celebrate this event by conducting various activities throughout the year and emphasis will be given to upgrade the infrastructure of the city. It has already got its due in views of its selection as smart city under AMRUT and Smart City Mission of Government of India. The city will receive 550 cores for various projects for development of the Panaji City from central Government under these Schemes out of which 200 crores will be received during this year. In view of this ,145 cores to Panaji City will be provided by state government for implementation of Smart city and AMRUT project and as grant-in-aid. The balance will be provided as per requirement.
A comprehensive plan will be formulated by appointing a consultant for development of Porvorim. Underground cabling and second phase of sewage system shall also be undertaken.
Atal Mission for Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT)
It emanates from the vision of the Government articulated in the address of the President of India. The objective of the Mission is for providing basic services like water supply, sewerage, urban transport etc to household and build amenities in cities which will improve the quality of life for all, especially the poor and the disadvantaged is a national priority. GSIDC has been appointed as Nodal office to handle AMRUT scheme.
Followings works were taken during 2016-17
Beautification and pedestrianisation of Cafe Bhosle Squre at a cost of 9.33 crore.
Pedestrian Bridge linking Central Library and Creek Refurbishment of existing bridge at cost of 1.46 crore.
Rejuvenation of Mandovi River Promenade from Children‟s Park to Youth Hostel Miramar at a cost of 15.11 crore.
Rejuvenation and Redevelopment of Internal Lanes of Mala at a cost of 2.70 crore.
Rejuvenation of Clusters of lanes of Altinho steps phase I & II at a cost of 1.76 crore and 1.43 crore respectively.
Beautification of Beach Front Promenade at Miramar (Phase –II ) at a cost of 12.25 crore.
Beautification and Upgradation of Azad Maidan Square at a cost of 2.32 crore.
Infrastructure, Public Works and Water Supply
Goa State Infrastructure Development Corporation for long has been engaged in redefining the way infrastructure is delivered in the shortest possible time in a cost effective manner and of a standard which is enviable in the public sector.
During this financial year, proposal to complete the new Mandovi Bridge in Panaji, the Amona Virdi Bridge, Tambudki Bridge at Arpora-Baga and the Grade Separator at Dabolim,
Most of the projects undertaken by the Government through its agencies suffer from chronic lack of maintenance which renders a good state of art project into a shabby and unusable state in a matter of years. It is a well- known norm that professional preventive maintenance if undertaken in a timely manner would save the crores of rupees of the Government in repairing and rehabilitation work, and make the people use and enjoy first class infrastructure, in the way it should be used.
In order to take the concept the work of Ribandar Bypass road which is taken up as a “Model Corridor Project” costing 125.55 crores will be completed by December 2017.
Solid Waste Management
The government has successfully commissioned one of the country’s best Solid Waste Treatment Plant at Saligao plateau. In order to improve the waste management issue throughout Goa once for all, three more such facilities in the State will be needed. This financial year , proposal will be to undertake construction of the second integrated Municipal Waste Treatment Plant along with transfer station at Cacora in South Goa on Designed Built Finance Operate & Transfer (DBFOT) basis. This would give a further boost to segregation as well as waste collection efforts in Quepem and Sanguem Taluka and alleviate problems of indiscriminate dumping taking place at many places. Besides this, Government intends to start two more such garbage treatment plants in the State at Baiguinim and Industrial area of Verna Industrial Estate. Further composed generated in this Solid Waste Treatment Plant will be used by Forest and Agricultural Departments as manure.
The aim of my Government is to make Garbage free Goa by 2020 and the first step towards this would be to ban the plastic below 40 microns completely from the State of Goa and heavy penalty will be levied on the seller as well as the user of these plastic bags with appropriate legal provision. Government has provided 11600 lakhs for total garbage management with 7700 lakhs for establishment of transfer stations, road side garbage