Dear as you know that the prelims result has been cancelled by the honorable High Court of Rajasthan, It
clearly states that the mains exam is to be held again.- It will no doubt effect the delay in vacancies notification for 2017.
- For 2016 Students its high time to gear up for the mains preparation.
- All our mains test series students of 2016 are hereby notified to drop a mail at and the new student portal for their tests and revived notes will be
- There were few rumors regarding change in syllabus, we will deal with it as and when the revised syllabus is notified.
- For those who missed the mark by a margin our mains test series program would be highly beneficial for the writing practice.
- Our Daily currents affairs would supplement your preparation with quality inputs.
Well our most important advice is that dont let your guards down.
We are always there to help