Natural and Power Resource of Goa

                      Natural and Power Resource of Goa        Mineral Resources in Goa The State of Goa is a small emerald arrive on the west shore of the Indian Peninsula . The rich and changed mineral assets of the State have contributed liberally towards the improvement and industrialization of the State. The scene is generally bumpy … Read more Natural and Power Resource of Goa

Transportation Network in Goa

Transportation Network in Goa   Transportation in Goa assumes imperative part. Transport via arrive, water and aviation routes. State legislature of Goa offers Facility to transportations system of Goa. Transportation system of Goa is following:- Roadways: Streets around associate all the majority of Goa. Government-run Kadamba transports at a transport station in Goa Goa’s open … Read more Transportation Network in Goa

Major Cities and Tourist Place of Goa

Major Cities and Tourist Place of Goa   Goa is an excellent place of India. Goa is a state situated in the Southwestern district of India; It is India’s littlest state by region and the fourth littlest by populace. Goa is one of India’s wealthiest states with a GDP for every capita over two times … Read more Major Cities and Tourist Place of Goa

Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa

Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa The rocky Western Ghats make it an ideal haven for many species of birds and animals and also provide a corridor for migration. The Western Ghats called the Sahyadris in Goa extend for a total of 600 kms in Goa of their total length of 3702 kms. The widest … Read more Wild life and Ecotourism of Goa

Vegetation of Goa for Goa PSC

Vegetation of Goa Biodiversity of Goa The term biodiversity is used to describe the huge variety of life on this planet. An astonishing 1.8 million different species have been identified and named by tribals, peasants and scientists. There are about 8,600 species of birds, 4,000 species of mammals and 32,000 species of flowering plants because … Read more Vegetation of Goa for Goa PSC

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