14 Sep Current Affairs


  • In Uttar Pradesh is an archaeological site discovered in 1957.
  • It showed for the first time evidence of habitation pertaining to the Harappan period in the upper doab between Ganga and Yamuna
  • It recently faces destruction by The villages who have destructed the century old structure to expand their cultivable land
  • ASI found ceramic items like roof tiles, dishes, Terracotta cakes and figures of humped bull and snake .

Kalka Shimla train

is a toy train and a  narrow gauge railway service since the time of British and has got a special Heritage status given by the UNESCO

Satyabhama Varma- mohiniyattam

  • She was a padamshree mohiniyattam dancer.
  • Mohiniyattam is a semi-classical dance form of Kerala. It is performed by women. The word Mohini means a maiden who steals the heart of the onlooker. It is thought that Vaishnava devotees gave the name of Mohiniattam to this dance form.


is a Jain community  fasting period and Ban is imposed in some state on sale of meat during this period


  • At Mahatma Gandhi Mandir in Gandhinagar
  • Its theme will be to decide the role of private sector in providing quality education and research and development and ,
  • How the government can increase private sector participation to create a linkage between education and industry.
  • Would focus on Make in India, Skill India, start up India –stand up India
  • Issue of ranking of Indian Institute globally will also be considered


  • CCI has launched a complaint against Google, the Internet major which has been accused of abusing it market dominance in market in the ranking of its Internet search results.
  • Google manipulate its search result apart from imposing Discriminatory conditions on the advertisers


Ranil Wickramasinghe will be on three day visit to India

The Comprehensive Economic Partnership agreement (CEPA) will not be signed during this visit

the main focus will be on:-

  1. South Asian Association of Regional Cooperation satellite
  2. launch of emergency ambulance system based on India’s 108 emergency telephone service provision of medical equipments
  3. execution of development project concerning local bodies and Nongovernmental organisations

Russian forces in Syria

Are building a long runway capable of accommodating largest aircraft near the Hmayeen Military airport in Latakia province in Siberia

to support to the syrian president Bashar al-Assad against the extremists

Aerobic Rice Cultivation

Reduces water usage in rice production and increase the water use efficiency.

Rice is cultivated as direct sown in soil under supplementary irrigation and fertiliser with suitable high yielding rice varieties.

Throughout the growing season, aerobic rice field is kept under unsaturated condition and field is irrigated by surface or the sprinkler system to keep soil wet.

Mechanised way of sowing with no pudding transplanting and no need of frequent irrigation.

It is suitable in areas irrigated lowlands where rainfall is insufficient to sustain Rice production.


Knowledge up gradation and skilled human abilities and livelihood in colleges is a scheme for equipping students with skill that would prepare them for jobs, under the scheme the college would setup infrastructure to run Career oriented courses.


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