DMPQ-Trace the significance of Lahore Congress session and declaration of purn swaraj in freedom struggle.

Jawaharlal Nehru, who had done more than anyone else to popularize the concept of purn swaraj, was nominated the president for the Lahore session of the Congress (December 1929) mainly due to Gandhi’s backing (15 out of 18 Provincial Congress Committees had opposed Nehru). Nehru was chosen because of the appositeness of the occasion (Congress’ … Read more DMPQ-Trace the significance of Lahore Congress session and declaration of purn swaraj in freedom struggle.

DMPQ- . “The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising against foreigners in China.”Elucidate.

. Boxer Rebellion, officially supported peasant uprising of 1900 that attempted to drive all foreigners from China. “Boxers” was a name that foreigners gave to a Chinese secret society known as the Yihequan (“Righteous and Harmonious Fists”). The group practiced certain boxing and calisthenic rituals in the belief that this made them invulnerable. It was … Read more DMPQ- . “The Boxer Rebellion was an uprising against foreigners in China.”Elucidate.

DMPQ- What is AVATAR (Aerobic vehicle for hypersonic aerospace transportation) ? Discuss it’s signicance in boosting India’s defence.

.  AVATAR is a single-stage reusable spaceplane capable of horizontal takeoff and landing, being developed by India’s Defense Research and Development Organization along with Indian Space Research Organization and other research institutions; it could be used for cheaper military and civilian satellite launches. According to the Designers, Hyperplane projects of the 1980’s – the X-30, … Read more DMPQ- What is AVATAR (Aerobic vehicle for hypersonic aerospace transportation) ? Discuss it’s signicance in boosting India’s defence.

04.02.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

GOA Goa pitches for national vulture conservation plan Goa has taken initial steps in conservation of vultures which were once visible in the state and then disappeared mysteriously after the 1980s leaving birders wondering about their fate. In an important recent move to help conservation efforts, the directorate of animal husbandry and veterinary services (AHVS) has urged … Read more 04.02.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

02.02.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

GOA Goa’s industry breathes a sigh of relief as taxation remains stable   Goa’s industry captains let out a huge sigh of relief after the Union Budget for 2021-22 kept direct and indirect taxes more or less stable. The industry, which was worried that the pandemic and the revenue shortfall would prompt the government to increase taxes and cess, said that … Read more 02.02.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

01.02.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

GOA Goa has sought Rs 283cr from Centre for bundh repairs   Goa has sought Rs 283 crore under a central scheme for reconstruction and repair of breached bundhs, said chief minister Pramod Sawant, adding that though the amount is for 42 identified breached bundhs, bundhs where agriculture is currently in progress will be given priority.   Being a coastal state, there is salinity found even … Read more 01.02.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

30.01.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs

GOA CM: Centre to OK revised Western Ghats eco zone   Chief minister Pramod Sawant said on Sunday that the Centre would agree with the state’s request to include only 30 villages in the final notification on the Western Ghats’ ecologically-sensitive area (ESA). It was earlier proposed to include 99 villages in the notification.   In May 2020, … Read more 30.01.21 Daily GPSC Current Affairs