DMPQ- Trace the popular rise of Bhakti movement in medieval India.

An important reason of the popularity of Bhakti movement was that they challenged the caste system and the superiority of the Brahmanas. They welcomed the ideas of equality and brotherhood which the Sufi saints also preached. People were no longer satisfied with the old religion. They wanted a religion which could satisfy both their rationality … Read more DMPQ- Trace the popular rise of Bhakti movement in medieval India.

DMPQ- Bring out the significance of ISRO’s successful launch of scramjet technology.

. Today, satellites are launched into orbit by multi-staged satellite launch vehicles that can be used only once (expendable). These launch vehicles carry oxidiser along with the fuel for combustion to produce thrust. Launch vehicles designed for one time use are expensive and their efficiency is low because they can carry only 2-4% of their … Read more DMPQ- Bring out the significance of ISRO’s successful launch of scramjet technology.

DMPQ- Give the brief description of Special powers allotted to Rajya sabha by Constitution.

.  Due to its federal character, the Rajya Sabha has been given two exclusive or special powers that are not enjoyed by the Lok Sabha: It can authorise the Parliament to make a law on a subject enumerated in the State List (Article 249). It can authorise the Parliament to create new All-India Services common … Read more DMPQ- Give the brief description of Special powers allotted to Rajya sabha by Constitution.

DMPQ- . How did the East India company suppress the 1857 mutiny ?

The British captured Delhi on September 20, 1857 after prolonged and bitter fighting. John Nicholson, the leader of the siege, was badly wounded and later succumbed to his injuries. Bahadur Shah was taken prisoner. The royal princes were captured and butchered on the spot, publicly shot at point blank range by Lieutenant Hudson himself. The … Read more DMPQ- . How did the East India company suppress the 1857 mutiny ?

DMPQ- How did Greek invasion affected Indian culture in 4th century?

During the fourth century BC, the Greeks and the Persians fought for supremacy over West Asia. The Achaemenid empire was finally destroyed by the Greeks under the leadership of Alexander of Macedon. He conquered Asia Minor, Iraq and Iran and then marched towards India. According to the Greek historian Herodotus, Alexander was greatly attracted towards … Read more DMPQ- How did Greek invasion affected Indian culture in 4th century?

DMPQ- What is Reusable launch vehicle ? Trace the development of India’s reusable launch technology .

The cost of access to space is the major deterrent in space exploration and space utilization. A reusable launch vehicle is the unanimous solution to achieve low cost, reliable and on-demand space access. Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration Program or RLV-TD is a series of technology demonstration missions that have been considered as a first step … Read more DMPQ- What is Reusable launch vehicle ? Trace the development of India’s reusable launch technology .

DMPQ- “During 1857 revolt Bahadur shah zafar was the symbolic head of the revolutionaries.” Elucidate.

During the revolt in Delhi, the local infantry killed their own European officers including Simon Fraser, the political agent, and seized the city. Lieutenant Willoughby, the officer-in- charge of the magazine at Delhi, offered some resistance, but was overcome. The aged and powerless Bahadur Shah Zafar was proclaimed the Emperor of India. Delhi was soon … Read more DMPQ- “During 1857 revolt Bahadur shah zafar was the symbolic head of the revolutionaries.” Elucidate.

DMPQ- Trace the sequence of events led to the unification of Germany.

. The German Confederation was an association of 39 German states in Central Europe, created by the Congress of Vienna in 1815 to coordinate the economies of separate German-speaking countries and to replace the former Holy Roman Empire. It acted as a buffer between the powerful states of Austria and Prussia. Britain approved of the … Read more DMPQ- Trace the sequence of events led to the unification of Germany.