DMPQ- Point out the important differences between Hindustani and Carnatic music.

Carnatic and Hindustani are different in terms of their style, characteristics and the like: Carnatic music belongs to the south Indian states, namely Tamilnadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Kerala. In fact it is more popular in these regions than in north India, which is predominantly characterized by Hindustani classical. In Hindustani music outside infuelnce such … Read more DMPQ- Point out the important differences between Hindustani and Carnatic music.

DMPQ- Discuss the composition and functions of finance commission.

The Finance Commission consists of a chairman and four other members to be appointed by the president. They hold office for such period as specified by the president in his order. They are eligible for reappointment. The Constitution authorises the Parliament to determine the qualifications of members of the commission and the manner in which … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the composition and functions of finance commission.

DMPQ- Discuss the threats posed by external state actors for India’s internal security.

China China has provided financial support, arms and sanctuaries to Naga, Mizo and Meitei extremist’s right since the British Period. The military encroachments and conflict of 1962, India was defeated and became psychologically weak. Since then, China has been astutely following a policy of strategic containment of India by regional coalitions and arming India’s neighbours … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the threats posed by external state actors for India’s internal security.

DMPQ- Explain the major ideas of enlightenment movement in Europe.

Enlightenment was based on rationalism i.e. logical reasoning based on facts. Cosmology, new world view based Newtonian physics and analysis of natural phenomena as system, secularism application of scientific theories to religion and security. Scientific method based on experimentation, observation and hypothesis. Utilitarianism, laws created for the common good and not for special interests, optimism … Read more DMPQ- Explain the major ideas of enlightenment movement in Europe.

DMPQ- Despite the considerable easing of restrictions why is India not a preferred destination for FDI ?

. India has a large pool of English-speaking workforce, cheap labour, natural resources,  a growing economy, second largest market and a government-favouring FDI. Despite the considerable easing of restrictions there are number of factors which are haltering FDI boost: First and the foremost, a foreign investor draws a global comparison before taking a decision on … Read more DMPQ- Despite the considerable easing of restrictions why is India not a preferred destination for FDI ?

DMPQ- Comment on the various features of administration contained in the 5th schedule of constitution of India.

The scheduled areas are treated differently from the other areas in the country because they are inhabited by ‘aboriginals’ who are socially and economically rather backward, and special efforts need to be made to improve their condition. Therefore, the whole of the normal administrative machinery operating in a state is not extended to the scheduled … Read more DMPQ- Comment on the various features of administration contained in the 5th schedule of constitution of India.

DMPQ- . Why is left wing extremism (Maoism violence) is still persistence even after so many government efforts?

In areas under Maoist domination, the absence of governance becomes a self- fulfilling prophecy since the delivery systems are extinguished through killings and intimidation. The objective of the CPI (Maoist) Party is the armed overthrow of the Indian State. They do not have any belief in parliamentary democracy. Many areas in the fringes of the … Read more DMPQ- . Why is left wing extremism (Maoism violence) is still persistence even after so many government efforts?

DMPQ- Explain the concept and significance of plate tectonic theory .

The theory of plate tectonics proposes that the earth’s lithosphere is divided into seven major and several minor plates. The movement of the plates results in the building up of stresses within the plates and the continental rocks above, which leads to folding, faulting and volcanic activity. The major plates are surrounded by fold mountains, … Read more DMPQ- Explain the concept and significance of plate tectonic theory .

DMPQ- Discuss the important government initiatives taken for labor reforms in recent years.

Along with bringing transparency and accountability in enforcement of Labour Laws, the Government has taken various initiatives to realize and establish the dignity of every worker through provision of social security, enhancing the avenues and quality of employment along with industrial development. Recent major reforms are: Introduction of Labour Codes In line with recommendations of … Read more DMPQ- Discuss the important government initiatives taken for labor reforms in recent years.