Give an account of the following: a) Vaikom satyagraha b) Delhi proposal c) Alipore conspiracy d) Muzzafarpur conspiracy case

(a)Vaikom satyagraha: Vaikom Satyagraha was a movement in Travancore (modern-day Kerala) for temple entry ofthe depressed classes. It took place near the Shiva Temple at Vaikom, Kottayam district, Keraladuring 1924-25. Vaikom was at that time a part of the princely state of Travancore. (b)Delhi proposal: Earlier, in December 1927, a large number of Muslim leaders … Read more Give an account of the following: a) Vaikom satyagraha b) Delhi proposal c) Alipore conspiracy d) Muzzafarpur conspiracy case

Give an account of following a) Hunter commission b) Sadler commission

a) Hunter commission: Lord Ripon appointed the first Indian Education Commission on 3rd February 1882. Sir Willium Hunter (a member of viceroy’s Executive Council) was appointed as the chairman of the commission. The commission was popularly known as Hunter Commission after the name of its chairman. The major objective of Hunter commission was to: Assess … Read more Give an account of following a) Hunter commission b) Sadler commission

DMPQ: Discuss the reasons for failure of Swadeshi movement? ( History)

Reasons: The movement lacked any focus or effective plan. It was spontaneous and failed to create any party structure or effective organization. Lack of leadership Internal rift in congress Congress failure to influence masses at large. It was the class movement whose radius confined to urban elites only. Repression by Britishers was another reason  

DMPQ: Gandhiji decided to initiate limited satyagraha on an individual basis by a few selected individuals” What were the objectives of launching Individual satyagraha? Why it was launched? ( History)

The Britishers were not in a position to give in to any of the demand of the congress till the later came into any agreement with the leaders. Hence to demolish this adamant position Congress asked Gandhiji to take command. Gandhiji decided to initiate a limited satyagraha on individual basis. The demand of satyagrahi would … Read more DMPQ: Gandhiji decided to initiate limited satyagraha on an individual basis by a few selected individuals” What were the objectives of launching Individual satyagraha? Why it was launched? ( History)

DMPQ: What was the lord Wavell plan? How it was taken by the different political entity? (history)

Lord Wavell plan was constituted to resolve the political deadlock of existing India but he abandon the proposal due to disagreement between leaders of muslim league and congress, and finally the proposals were dissolved  at the Shimla conference Plan: Formation of new executive council at the centre in which all the members except the viceroy … Read more DMPQ: What was the lord Wavell plan? How it was taken by the different political entity? (history)

DMPQ: Jinnah turn down Rajagopalchari proposal as it offered a ‘Mutilated and moth-eaten Pakistan. What was the Rajagopalchari formula? ( History)

C rajagopalchari tried to resolve the deadlock between muslim league and Congress to arrive at a solution. He proposed a formula to address the issues between the two different political entity. The plan was given in 1944 and a formula to hold talks with jinnah. The following is the formula: The muslim league while endorsing … Read more DMPQ: Jinnah turn down Rajagopalchari proposal as it offered a ‘Mutilated and moth-eaten Pakistan. What was the Rajagopalchari formula? ( History)

DMPQ: Royal Indian Navy mutiny made an impression on the British, that it would be better to leave the country. Explain

This was the incident where the military the major pillar of strength for british empire showed dissatisfaction and internal strife among the naval establishment.  On feb,1846 , a section of non commissioned officers and sailors known as ratings, serving in the royal Indian navy, mutinied against the British officers. The major issue was the hardship … Read more DMPQ: Royal Indian Navy mutiny made an impression on the British, that it would be better to leave the country. Explain