DMPQ: India-japan relation has evolved especially in post reform period. What are the convergence in Indo-japan relations.

( prepare intro)   Convergence Economic: India is in the need of state of art technology and funding. Whole japan is a surplus country. Eg. Metro train, bullet train, funds from JICA Demography: Ageing population of japan and demography of India. Strategic policy of India- India’s act east policy find convergence with Japanese free and … Read more DMPQ: India-japan relation has evolved especially in post reform period. What are the convergence in Indo-japan relations.

Discuss the following: a) Corruption perception index b) Press freedom index c) Global peace index d) World investment report

a) Corruption perception index: Released by berlin based non- government organisation Transparency International. India’s ranking slid to 81 among a group of 180 countries. b) Press freedom index: The Press Freedom Index is an annual ranking of countries compiled and published byReporters without Borders based upon the organisation’s own assessment of thecountries’ press freedom records … Read more Discuss the following: a) Corruption perception index b) Press freedom index c) Global peace index d) World investment report

India joined Hague code of conduct in 2016. What is this hague code of conduct?

The International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation, also known asthe Hague Code of Conduct (HCOC), was established on 25 November 2002 as anarrangement to prevent the proliferation of ballistic missiles. It is the result of international efforts to regulate access to ballistic missileswhich can potentially deliver weapons of mass destruction. The HCOC is … Read more India joined Hague code of conduct in 2016. What is this hague code of conduct?

What is Asia Africa growth corridor? Discuss its relevance.

The Asia-Africa Growth Corridor is an India-Japan economic cooperation agreement aimed at the socio-economic development of Asia and Africa.  The vision document for AAGC was released by India in the 2017 African Development Bank meeting.The aim of the Asia-Africa Growth Corridor is to develop infrastructure and digital connectivity in Africa through Indo-Japan collaboration. The AAGC … Read more What is Asia Africa growth corridor? Discuss its relevance.

Outline the major differences in International criminal court and International court of justice.

  Basis of diff ICJ ICC Year of estb. 1946 2002 Relationship with UN Official court of UN, Commonly known as world court Independent, not governed by UN. Prior sanction of UN is not mandatory for launching of prosecution. HQ Peace place, Hague Hague Jurisdiction UN member states, Can give advisory opinions to UN bodies … Read more Outline the major differences in International criminal court and International court of justice.

The India Russia ties span the spectrum from sanskriti to suraksha and culture to defence. Discuss the importance of Russia for India.

India support in UNSC:Russia’s veto power in UNSC (India need one trusted friend in UNSC to support her interest). Strategic:  India’s 73% defense equipment is from Russia. So India needs good relationship Join Our Telegram Channel with Russia.  Russia is the only country which has provided us with advance technology in hard times despite immense … Read more The India Russia ties span the spectrum from sanskriti to suraksha and culture to defence. Discuss the importance of Russia for India.

India-Russia ties are passing through a turmoil phase. Comment.

Concerns: Growing Russia -China proximity; Russia accepted China claim over south China sea, Russia accepted good Taliban and bad Taliban theory, Russia is engaging in military exercise DRUZBA with pak, Growing nexus among Russia-China-Pakistan., Military support to pak USA -India closeness at the expense of India- Russia relationship: Decline in defence import from Russia after … Read more India-Russia ties are passing through a turmoil phase. Comment.

DMPQ: India and the United States have built a strong and strategic bilateral relationship and continues to contribute the stability and prosperity of the world. Why India matters to USA? ( India -USA)

Reasons: India’s geographical location has make India indispensable for USA. It lies closer to the arc of instability i.e Middle east, Afghan, Pak, neighbour of China. With rise of Asian economies stake in Indian ocean is on rise. India can be valuable partner. (70 percent of ship-borne Subscribe on YouTube oil and petroleum traffic transiting … Read more DMPQ: India and the United States have built a strong and strategic bilateral relationship and continues to contribute the stability and prosperity of the world. Why India matters to USA? ( India -USA)

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