
 Analogy Level-1 ANALOGY LEVEL 1 When you draw an analogy between two things we compare them for the purpose of explanation. If a scientist says that earth’s forest functions as human lungs then we instantly draw an explanation that both lungs and trees intake important elements from air. As far as SSC … Read more AnalogyLevel1

Tips And Tricks For Speedy Calculations Module 3 Multiplication

   TIPS AND TRICKS FOR SPEEDY CALCULATIONS – MODULE III – MULTIPLICATION In this module we deal with techniques using which we can multiply two numbers in an unorthodox but quick manner. Firstly we take up some specific cases using which we come to generalized multiplication of any two given numbers. Multiplying two … Read more Tips And Tricks For Speedy Calculations Module 3 Multiplication


 Discount   The discount is referred to the reduction in the price of some commodity or service. It may anywhere appear in the distribution channel in the form of modifications in marked price (printed on the item) or in retail price (set by retailer usually by pasting a sticker on the item) or in list price (quoted for the buyer). The discount … Read more Discounts

Number System, Fractions

 Data analysis Data analysis is a primary component of data mining and Business Intelligence (BI) and is key to gaining the insight that drives business decisions. Organizations and enterprises analyze data from a multitude of sources using Big Data management solutions and customer experience management solutions that utilize data analysis to transform data … Read more Number System, Fractions

Average Or Ap

 Average   What is Average? The result obtained by adding several quantities together and then dividing this total by the number of quantities is called Average. The main term of average is equal distribution of a value among all which may distribute persons or things. We obtain the average of a number using formula that … Read more Average Or Ap

Shrinivas Ramanujan

 Shrinivas Ramanujan: Contribution to mathematics Srinivasa Ramanujan, an Indian mathematician was born in 22nd December, 1887 in Madras, India. Like Sophie Germain, he received no formal education in mathematics but made important contributions to advancement of mathematics. His chief contribution in mathematics lies mainly in analysis, game theory and infinite series. He made … Read more Shrinivas Ramanujan