DMPQ- What is Financial inclusion? Suggest some ways to enhance Financial Inclusion in India?

Financial inclusion is the pursuit of making financial services accessible at affordable costs to all individuals and businesses, regardless of net worth and size, respectively. Financial inclusion strives to address and proffer solutions to the constraints that exclude people from participating in the financial sector. It is also called inclusive financing.

Government has launched various schemes to achieve financial inclusion like Jan dhan yojana, Mudra yojana, Kisan credit card to achieve financial inclusion. But the inclusion  need to be taken to next level. Following ways can be the solution for plugging the loopholes in financial inclusion:

  1. Launching a programme for comprehensive financial literacy programme.
  2. Assessment of performance of banking correspondent and give better incentive.
  3. Facilitating the growth of online and paperless banking
  4. Using technology to improve the assessment of credit worthiness for household and informal business.
  5. Leverage payment banks and other platforms to scale up systems in underserved areas.
  6. Overhaul the regulatory framework governing financial product to attract households.


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