Article 153 of Indian constitution establishes the office of governor in every state of Indian union. All executive decisions of the state are under the name of governor (Article 154). Governor will hold the office till he/she enjoys the pleasure of president (Article 156).
Governor’s office is of vital importance having multifaceted role. But frequent removal and transfers of governor before end of tenure have lowered the prestige of governor’s office. Also there are many instances where governor played partisan role under the influence of union government, for its political benefits.
Hence there is need of important measures to enhance the importance and usefulness of governor’s office. Various administrative reforms commission like Administrative reforms, Sarkaria, Punchhi commissions have given important recommendations in this regard and they deserve serious consideration. Important measures need to be adopted to make office of governor as more purposeful are discussed below.
o The person to be appointed as a governor should be eminent person and must be a person from outside the state.
o The person to be appointed as a governor must not have participated in active politics at least for some time before appointment and he/she should be detached person and not too intimately connected
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