DMPQ: Who is a private member in a Parliament? Outline the procedure of passing a Private member bill?

Any MP who is not a Minister isreferred to as a private member. Bills introducedby Ministers are referred to as government bills.They are backed by the government and reflect itslegislative agenda. Private member’s bills arepiloted by non-Minister MPs.

Introduction in the House:

The admissibility of a private

member’s Bill isdecided by the Presiding Officer. The Membermust give at least a month’s notice before theBill can be listed for introduction; the Housesecretariat examines it for compliance withconstitutional provisions and rules onlegislation before listing.

Number of private member’s Bills is capped tothree per session.

While government Bills can be introduced anddiscussed on any day, private member’s Billscan be introduced and discussed only onFridays.

The last time a private member’s Bill waspassed by both Houses was in 1970. This wasthe Supreme Court (Enlargement of CriminalAppellate Jurisdiction) Bill, 1968. Fourteenprivate member’s Bills — five of which wereintroduced in Rajya Sabha — have becomelaw so far.

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