23-02-22 Daily -Goa- GPSC Current Affairs

Goa Affairs

Goa: Conservation plan of Cabo de Rama

Goa Tourism Development Corporations (GTDC) ambitious Rs 2.9-crore project for the restoration and beautification ofCabo de Ramafort has hit some turbulence as the directorate of archives and archaeology (DAA) has raised an issue over ownership of the monument.

The 12th century fort, which overlooks the Arabian Sea and is perched at a strategic location in Canacona, commands a picturesque view of the talukas coast. In recent years, it has been hit byweatherElements andconservationissues.

The fort is a protected monument of the directorate as per the Goa Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Sites and Remains Act of 1978 and Rules, 1980. The said fort premise

is under the directorates ownership and NOC of this directorate is mandatory.

National and International Affairs

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