Goa : Schemes and Projects
State government has proposed various schemes to provide welfare to all the communities so as to provide inclusive development of all. Goa’s per capita income was RS 2,71,793, which was one of the highest among all states. So there is no benefit of growing without the welfare of all the communities. Various schemes has been implemented from time to time to provide the benefits to all the people.
Various schemes
Sheti Samrudhi Yojana
Objective: Main objective is to provide financial assistance to facilitate and support community level action to private voluntary organizations, including farmer’s co-operatives, committees constituted by Gramsabhas aimed at improving food security, reducing poverty, and assuring sustainability in the management of natural resources.
Main target population is Cultivators/Agriculturist of Scheduled Tribe Community or Forest dwelling Scheduled Tribes dependent on Community Forest Resources in the areas/villages in which Forest Right Act is implemented.
Financial Assistance will be given for running the activities for farmer’s cooperatives or for the committees constituted under the Forests Rights Act. Fixed amount of Rs. 25,000/- per annum for incurring expenditure on stationary, printing etc
One time financial assistance of Rs. 1,00,000/- (One Lakh Only) for procurement of Desktop Computer, UPS, computer Table, Cupboard, Table and Chairs etc.
Revised Modern Dairy Scheme
Objective : The main objective is to enhance productivity, profitability, stability and sustainability and to create self employment to educated and unemployed rural youth. To reach self sufficiency in milk production.
30% of the cost of plant and machinery will be granted as subsidy subject to a maximum of Rs.4.50 lakhs to any individual for setting up of a new Dairy farm, expansion of existing dairy unit, and purchase of modern dairy equipment for existing dairy units and renovation of existing cattle shed. The beneficiary can start the unit with his own finance or by taking loan from financing Institution. For Milking Machine subsidy is @ 30% of the cost of the Milking Machine.
Education Scheme
Financial Literacy Camp and Training Programme at School level to inculcate understanding of finance related topics and banking matters in the young minds. 50% schools will be covered during this financial year and from the next financial year all the schools will be covered under this programme. In order to change the mindset of the society a special training programme on solid waste management and environment protection will be conducted in all the Schools as the part of their academic activities.
Sant Soirobonath Ambiye Dyanavruddhi Shishya Vrutti
It was launched with emphasis on women education. Main objective of the scheme is to promote women education.
Dayanand Social Security Scheme
A monthly pension of Rs.750/- p.m. to all the disabled under the Dayanand Social Security Scheme.
Financial assistance to the person with severe disabilities is also provided. An amount of Rs.20,000/- in fixed deposited for ten years which interest is used by the beneficiaries for livelihood.
Griha Aadhar Scheme
Objective : The main objective of the scheme is to address the problem of spiraling prices and to provide support to the housewives/homemakers from middle, lower middle and poor section of the society, to maintain a reasonable standard of living for their families.
Under this scheme a monthly disbursement of an amount of Rs. 1500/- will be provided every month directly at the hands of the housewives/homemakers to achieve the objective.
The beneficiary under the scheme shall be paid an amount of Rs. 1,500/- per month, as financial assistance.
Laadli Laxmi Scheme
Objective : Main objective is to provide financial assistance of Rs. 1 Lakh for girl’s marriage who are 18 years or above.
This scheme is for those girls who are between the age group of 18 to 40 years. The main aim of the scheme is to overcome financial difficulties faced by the parents during their daughter’s marriage.
This scheme started with an aim of improving health and educational status of the girls in the State, to provide them better future, to prevent female feticide and to bring the positive attitude among people towards girl childbirth. The main objective of the scheme is to creating positive thinking about girls among the masses, improvement in gender ratio and providing financial assistance to girls for their marriage. In this particular scheme. Around 10,000 marriages registered every year in Goa. The government will deposit money on their name in the bank, which can be withdrawn after showing the marriage certificate and declaration of the marriage
Skill Development
Skill development is crucial to fuel innovation, increase productivity, development of enterprise, technological change, investment, diversification of the economy, and competitiveness. 3,526 trainees were enrolled in 10 Government ITIs and 267 trainees in 6 Private ITIs during the academic year 2016-17. 3,027 trainees have been placed in 323 establishments in 44 designated trades under Apprentice Act, out of which 643 seats are utilized for training in 101 different public / private establishments. Private sector establishments have increased the rate of stipend.
Apprenticeship Bharti Melas have been organized in which 320 candidates were offered Offer letters to join Apprenticeship training in Public/Private sector.
Goa Yuva Samvad Yojana (Digit Youth Initiative Scheme)
Objective : The main objective of the ambitious Goa Yuva Samvad Yojana is to enable the youth to connect digitally and transform the state into a digitally empowered society.
The scheme is a part of central government’s flagship Digital India initiative.
The state government under the scheme will provide free 3G data and talk time to youth of the state.
Rajbhasha Jagruti Yojana
Under the scheme, a four day workshop was held for teachers on language skills and development at Panaji and Margao benefitting 131 teachers and also one day workshop at Bicholim was held on Dialogue writing and reading in collaboration with Isht Parivar Divchal and Shri Shantadurga HSSC, Bicholim benefitting 20 teachers.
Under the Goa Mediclaim scheme, 549 persons (including 36 relaxation cases) have been benefitted and an amount of 12 crore has been sanctioned up to November 2016.
Goa State Illness Assistance
Society scheme, an amount of 10.95 lakh has been provided as financial assistance benefiting 14 patients up to January 2017.
Deen Dayal Swast Seva Yojana (DDSSY)
Government will further strengthen the scheme with appropriate enhancement in benefits after reviewing the scheme at the end of one year.
Goa is the first state to have a health insurance scheme which will benefit all residents of the state irrespective of their financial status. Any person residing in Goa for 5 and more years can enroll into the scheme.
Under the Deen Dayal Swasthya Seva Yojana (DDSSY), a family of up to 3 members will be provided an insurance cover of Rs. 2.5 Lakh while the family of 4 or more members will be provided a cover of 4 Lakh. The annual installment of the insurance premium which is Rs. 3,206 per family will be paid by the Government to the insurance company.
Jyotirmay Goa Scheme
3 LED bulbs are provided to each domestic household of Goa and so far around 8 lakhs 20 thousand bulbs have been distributed. I propose to cover entire Goa under this Jyotirmay Goa Scheme by end of coming financial year.
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