- Rajasthan government spends only Rs 904 per capita on health
- ð National Health Accounts 2014-15, released by the Union ministry of health and family welfare on Wednesday, showed that Rajasthan had among the lowest total health expenditure per capita at just Rs 2,943.
- ð This report showed that of the total spending of Rs 21,188 crore on health in 2014-15, only Rs 6,511 crore was spent by the government. This comes to just Rs 904 per capita, or 3.5% of Gross State Domestic Product.
- ð Jan Swasthya Abhiyan (JSA) pointed out that most of the health spend in the state happened out-of-pocket. The only states with lower health spend per capita than Rajasthan are Jharkhand, Bihar, Assam and Madhya Pradesh.
- ð JSA pointed out that India ranks among the 20% of countries with the least spending on health.
- ð JSA has demanded that the state government should take note of the National Health Accounts 2014-15 report and immediately allocate Rs2,000 per capita annually for health care.
- ‘MeToo’ movement named Time magazine’s Person of the Year’
- The ‘Silence Breakers’ who started the #MeToo movement have been named Time ‘Person of the Year’.
- Last year’s winner, President Trump, and China’s President Xi Jinping came in second and third place.
- Time Editor-in-Chief Edward Felsenthal called the movement ‘the fastest moving social change we’ve seen in decades’.
· United States officially recognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel
- The United States of Americarecognizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
- It’s a move that upends decades of U.S. policy, was the announcement made by the U.S President Donald Trump which invited lots of criticism but Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu termed this as ‘historic day’ for Israel.
- The Israeli leader says his country “will continue to work with the president and his team to make that dream of peace come true.
- Donald Trump is pledging to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, and Netanyahu is urging other countries to follow suit.
- The Members of Israel’s cabinet have praised the move as “destined” and “overdue.”
- Akshay Kumar to promote government’s flagship agri-schemes
- Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar will promote the government’s flagship agriculture schemes like soil health card and crop insurance.
- The Union Agriculture Ministry has roped in the actor for television advertisements to intensify the publicity of the agri-schemes.
- Besides soil health card scheme, the actor will promote Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bhima Yojana, Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana, Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana and others.
- Taj Mahal named second best UNESCO world heritage site