Political Parties and Pressure Groups

Political Parties and Elections Political parties are an established part of modern mass democracy, and the conduct of elections in India is largely dependent on the behaviour of political parties. Although many candidates for Indian elections are independent, the winning candidates for Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections usually stand as members of political parties, … Read more Political Parties and Pressure Groups

Constitutional Amendment methods and important constitutional amendments.

  Amendments to the Constitution are made by the Parliament, the procedure for which is laid out in Article 368. An amendment bill must be passed by both the Houses of Subscribe on YouTube the Parliament by a two-thirds majority and voting. In addition to this, certain amendments which pertain to the federal nature of … Read more Constitutional Amendment methods and important constitutional amendments.

Election Commission of India

The Election Commission of India is an autonomous, quasi-judiciary constitutional body of India.It was established on 25 January 1950 under Article 324 of the Constitution of India. Originally the commission had only a Chief Election Commissioner. The commission presently consists of a Chief Election Commissioner and two Election Commissioners, appointed by the president. The President … Read more Election Commission of India

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