DMPQ-Explain how exchange Rate and Purchasing Power Parity effect each other.

Exchange rates in the ideal sense be a reflection of differences in  purchasing power of economies on account of various factors. However, this is true only  if the entire global world had free trade, without any restrictions, ability of goods to move  across geographies without any hindrance, similar like a bird flying, ability to reach … Read more DMPQ-Explain how exchange Rate and Purchasing Power Parity effect each other.

Main Features of Budget of Goa

Main Features of Budget of Goa The GSDP at constant (2011-12) prices for the year 2015-16 (Quick Estimates) is estimated at above 37,520 crore as against 34611 crore in the year 2014-15 thereby reflecting a growth of 8.41 percent as against 9.64% in 2014-15. Growth rate projected an 11% growth in the GSDP(Gross state domestic … Read more Main Features of Budget of Goa

Goa : Tax and Economic Reforms

Goa : Tax and Economic Reforms The economic liberalization in India , initiated in 1991, with principles of Liberalization , Privatization and Globalization (LPG) of the country’s economic policies, with the goal of making the economy more market and service-oriented and expanding the role of private and foreign investment. Specific changes include a reduction in import tariffs, … Read more Goa : Tax and Economic Reforms

Population of Goa for Goa PSC

Population of Goa Goa is a state set in southwest a part of India, finite by Maharashtra toward the north and Karnataka toward the east, whereas the sea shapes its western coast. State is India’s smallest state in terms of space and also the fourth smallest by population. The state is one amongst India’s wealthiest … Read more Population of Goa for Goa PSC

Horticulture of Goa for Goa PSC

Horticulture of  Goa Horticulture of  Goa  The horticulture sector includes a wide contrast of crops particularly fruit crops, vegetables crops, potato and tuber crops, decorative crops, meditative and aromatic crops, spices and plantation crops. New introductions like mushroom, bamboo and bee keeping (for rising the crop productivity) more expanded the scope of horticulture. Whereas the primary … Read more Horticulture of Goa for Goa PSC

Fishing of Goa for Goa PSC

Fishing of Goa India is that the second largest producer of fish within the world with a share of 5.68% of the world’s total and conducive a price of Rs 30,213 crore through exports throughout 2013-14,  India‘s fisheries sector contributes about 125th to the gross domestic product and 4.6% to the agricultural gross domestic product. … Read more Fishing of Goa for Goa PSC

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