Rajasthan: Scheduled Tribes

Rajasthan: Scheduled Tribes     The Scheduled Tribe (ST) population of Rajasthan State constitutes 8.4 percent of the total ST population of India. The Scheduled Tribes of the State constitute 12.6 percent of the total population of the State. It holds 12th position among all States and UTs in respect of the percentage share of … Read more Rajasthan: Scheduled Tribes

Provisions of SC/ST Atricities act

Provisions of SC/ST Atricities act, The Scheduled Castes and Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 is an Act of the Parliament of India enacted to prevent atrocities against scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. The Act is popularly known as POA, the SC/ST Act, the Prevention of Atrocities Act, or simply the Atrocities Act. Article 17 … Read more Provisions of SC/ST Atricities act

National and state SC/ST commission

National and state SC/ST commission National SC commission National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) is an Indian constitutional body established with a view to provide safeguards against the exploitation of Scheduled Castes to promote and protect their social, educational, economic and cultural interests, special provisions were made in the Constitution.   Functions To investigate and … Read more National and state SC/ST commission

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