DMPQ-Discuss the biggest obstacles hindering regional trading .

. The first and foremost issue is defining the ‘sensitive list’, or a negative list which would not be open to trade,  those product lines on whom tariffs would not be reduced. This is also referred as trading  to a negative list, which means trading in goods, other than those in the negative list. Very  … Read more DMPQ-Discuss the biggest obstacles hindering regional trading .

DMPQ-What is regional trading ? Point out the arguments in favor of regional trading.

. Regional trading refer to a treaty that is signed by two or more countries to encourage free movement of goods and services across the borders of its members. The agreement comes with internal rules that member countries follow among themselves. When dealing with non-member countries, there are external rules in place that the members … Read more DMPQ-What is regional trading ? Point out the arguments in favor of regional trading.

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