Awards of Rajasthan

Awards of Rajasthan Bhamashah Award For students of all universities in rajasthan for obtaining the highest percentage of marks throughout Rajasthan or students from Rajasthan for outstanding achievements in any recognised University/ Institution from outside Rajasthan. For achievements in the current or last academic year in various faculties at graduate level such as Arts, Science, Commerce, … Read more Awards of Rajasthan

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Goa

Natural hazards and other related aspects of Goa The natural disasters directly impact economies, agriculture, food security, water, sanitation, the environment and health each year. Therefore it is one of the single largest concerns for most of the developing nations. Different natural hazards because varying levels of physical damage to infrastructure and agriculture with implications … Read more Natural hazards and other related aspects of Goa

Geographical location of Goa

Geographical location of Goa Goa was under Portuguese colonial rule till 19th December 1961 when Indian Military Forces liberated it with the help of Freedom Fighters. Thereafter, the territory was incorporated into the Indian Union. On 30th May 1987 Goa was granted full-fledged Statehood and with this the process of decentralization of administration started. Goa … Read more Geographical location of Goa

Cropping Pattern of Goa for Goa PSC

Cropping Pattern of Goa Cropping systems of a region are decided by and large, by a number of soil and climatic parameters which determine overall agro-ecological setting for nourishment and appropriateness of a crop or set of crops for cultivation. Nevertheless, at farmers’ level, potential productivity and monetary benefits act as guiding principles while opting … Read more Cropping Pattern of Goa for Goa PSC

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